Analysts Believe North Korea May Have Been Behind WannaCry Cyberattack

Via a reader link comes speculation that the recent massive global cyberattack may have been a North Korean operation:

The WannaCry ransomware that attacked computers in 150 countries has lines of code that are identical to work by hackers known as the Lazarus Group, according to security experts. The Lazarus hackers have been linked to North Korea, raising suspicions that the nation could be responsible for the attack.

The connection was made by Google security researcher Neel Mehta, who pointed out similarities between WannaCry and malware used by Lazarus, the group that’s been blamed for the Sony Pictures hack of 2014 and for stealing millions of dollars from a Bangladeshi bank in 2016.

After Mehta highlighted the elements in the code, other researchers confirmed similarities that early versions of WannaCry (also called WannaCrypt, Wana Decryptor or WCry) shared with malware tools used by Lazarus.  [NPR]

You can read more at the link, but I can easily see this cyberattack as something the Kim regime would do.  With that said when I read about the cyberattack the first thing I thought was I was glad I use an Apple computer.  😉

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