US Soldiers Find Out What Average South Koreans Really Think of Them

Via Popular Military comes a video filmed by Korean-American servicemembers serving in USFK. They interviewed random South Koreans in Daegu on what they thought about the US soldiers in their country.  The opinions on the whole were largely favorable with most criticism being soldiers spending too much time in clubs, womanizing, and not learning Korean.

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7 years ago

How many does a Soldier serve in and for how long? Can’t expect a Soldier to learn every language of very country they serve in while carrying out their full time duties. At Defense Language Institute, Korean Basic is a 63 week course of 8 hours a day of language instruction with at least 3 hours of homework. And that makes you functional, not fluent.

7 years ago

In other news, Black Panthers dressed in hoodies and carrying bats interviewed random upper class whites on deserted streets at 2am to inquire about their thoughts on Black Lives Matter.

The opinions on the whole were largely favorable with… well… perfectly favorable, actually… even complementary… enthusiastically so.

Nobody had any idea that poor black dependent criminal thug lives mattered so much to the educated working white community.

Jon Paul
Jon Paul
7 years ago

I found it interesting that just about all the Koreans interviewed said that their experience was mostly positive BUT that they had seen some awful stories in the media. They didn’t say that they disbelieved the media tales, but they did juxtapose it with their own, different experiences. To me this suggests that a lot of what we hear about anti-Americanism in South Korea is (shock, horror) in many cases a media-created tempest rather than an expression of a genuine feeling on the part of South Koreans as a nation. Sure, the relationship is ambiguous and sometimes with a lot of friction, but so what? Nothing is perfect. As for learning the language, it’s not easy, but in my experience in country, people do appreciate that you try at least.

knife Aquelee
knife Aquelee
7 years ago

Yep i spent a few years in South Korea, but when I learned to speak Korean a whole world open up to me with the Korean people. I was dating non-club women, just a fantastic experience.

7 years ago

Depends on the threat level from NORKtopia. You know, the fence sitters. USFK members are simply seen as tripwires and a source of income and not much more.

Depends on “bad actions” USFK personnel commit. 2002-03 is a great example of how your allies quickly consider you to be the enemy.

Downer cows anyone?

Pretend you are not American and bash America/Americans and you will actually hear what they really think. Go ahead, try it for awhile, if you have the parts! Probably none will.

Also, ask them why Hines Ward is Korean, but most times not some Korean-American soldier who breaks Korean laws. They become just an American.

I mean crap, there are plenty of Koreans who like the Japanese too, but they are few and far between.

My experience as someone who isn’t American and has had to listen to pathetic anti-US BS from Koreans over the years indicates almost the complete opposite of what this video portrays.

It would be interesting to hear what these same people have to say when there are no recording devices around them.

Obviously, this does not apply to all Korean nationals, one shouldn’t lump even a homogeneous group like Korean together… you’d be acting like the majority of Koreans if one did that.

So I thank you America, thank you for all the good you do in the world and in Korea! You may not be perfect, but what country is right?

I’m sure when you are gone, or simply weakened, Korea will step onto the world scene and take over your spot.

PS: I’m sure China also thanks you Americans for getting the oil they need safely to them.

Reply to  Jigoku
7 years ago

What do Japanese think of American soldiers in their soil?

a listener
a listener
Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

I don’t think you know how or why BLM started, which should have been named BLM too . It was not by black panthers. It was by ordinary Citizens in response to officers assuming 10 year old black children playing with the same nerf toys their white counterparts played with outside being shot and executed on numerous occasions. Sure the Blacks have their own problems with violence in poorer areas but it does not excuse the persistent killings of unarmed children and adults.

Reply to  Tracy
7 years ago

Hard to farm with GI in dirt…

7 years ago

…Korean-Americans they mean fake-Koreans.
…random, they mean mostly southern College students in walking distance.
…English teacher he meant dope smoking child-rapist.
…what they really think they mean what they’d think will make them look good during an un-blurred taping of the interview.
…take advantage of women he meant Korean women, his women. They’re his.
…disrespectful to women they definitely didn’t mean how they were legally considered property of the family up until a few years ago.
…helped me out, gone to the base a few times he meant bought him deodorant and alcohol on the cheap.

I could go on forever.

7 years ago

A Listener, please reconsider if this was some sort of serious but off-topic comment about Black Panthers and BLM…

…or perhaps satire comparing GIs asking Koreans about GIs to blacks asking whitey about blacks… intended to show, through exaggeration, that truly honest answers might not be given by Koreans in this case.

But, in response to your comment, BLM was not organized “in response to officers assuming 10 year old black children playing with the same nerf toys their white counterparts played with outside being shot and executed on numerous occasions”.

It came first about after a neighborhood watch guy shot a (documented) criminal/(documented) wannabe thug who started slamming his head into concrete.

It further grew after a “gentle giant” who just robbed a store got shot while charging a cop after trying to take his gun away.

There are no incidents of 10 year old black children getting shot for playing with Nurf toys. There are two incidents where a 12 and 13 year old brandished realistic replicas of firearms. One was a BB gun and one had the distinguishing characteristic of a toy gun intentionally obscured… as the orange tip was colored with a marker.

Despite massive political pressure and the involvement of professional blacks in every step of the process, these shootings were found to be justified.

There are a number of incidents where police have incorrectly shot unarmed blacks but these do not make big news and BLM doesn’t take to the streets over them… even though most whites would agree with BLM’s call for justice in these cases.

By only championing the worst “victims” in the most justified cases, one can only conclude such things as black values are divorced from reality, black leadership thrives on manufactured conflict, and it is part of an agenda to divide the population along racial lines.

I will happily discuss this further… but only if you will base your conversation on facts that actually exist rather than imaginary facts such as Nurf guns that are only for white kids.

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