Foreign students pose during an entrance ceremony for a summer school program provided by Hanyang University in eastern Seoul on July 3, 2017. About 2,000 foreign students are participating in the four-week program that also includes chances to experience Korean culture. (Yonhap)
The culture of excessive drinking and being abused by your boss? That culture?
What are those? “I’m under arrest!” poses? My money is on Beardy McDouche in the brown shirt on who gets the first assault charge…
I don’t know, Smokes. Beardy McDouche is a good guess… but I think you missed the fivehead lurker peeping through the gap behind him. You just know that guy is going to touch a child inappropriately before the program is over.
Nah look at that hairline, that’s a dude who aims below the horizon and will be happily doing rounds on Hooker Hill by fall. McDouche has that look about him of the insufferable party guy who “always” gets the girl. He even has his rape kit at the ready on his shoulder there. 😈 8==D 😡
I assume that most people secretly pick their noses, but I eat it. Not because it tastes good (which it does), but it just seems like the right thing to do once it’s on my finger. Is this a terrible idea? Is it bad for my health? I’ve been at it all my life and can’t seem to stop.
Hmmm. I’m not sure McDouche has a rąpe kit. Look at the size of it. It looks more like a gang rąpe kit. I think the black guy with his sęx bag is in on it with him.
What do you think of the guy in the blue shirt? He seems to have gay mouth. I’d be really carefull letting that guy buy me drinks all night.
He has angry gay mouth and he would not be gentle.
Don’t sock puppet, not that I like Tbone but I’m old and easily confused…
Nah the Black guy is most likely gay; he’ll be cruising the shops at Doota till 3am in no time scoring fashion deals. If it were slightly cooler out he’d definitely be sporting a scarf.
Brown shirt’s the weak-minded fool that gets pulled into Beardy’s rape scheme and takes the fall.
Do you think the girl will validate her self worth by letting the guys run train while the gay black guy sits in the corner and says, “Daaamn, you go, gurl!.