North Korean Media Outlet Calls on President Moon to End US-ROK Military Drills

This is another example of the momentum building towards a freeze deal with North Korea:

A pro-North Korean newspaper in Japan said Tuesday that President Moon Jae-in should not expect a positive response from Pyongyang to his latest reconciliatory proposal, as Seoul is still not giving up its submission to the United States.

The Chosun Sinbo also called on South Korea to end its joint annual military exercises with the U.S. if it hopes to prove its willingness to improve ties.

Moon unveiled a broad vision for bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula during his speech in Berlin last Thursday, two days after the North test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

“If the proposal is based on South Korea’s subversion to the U.S. and hostility toward the North, Seoul cannot expect Pyongyang’s positive response,” the newspaper said.

The paper serves as an unofficial mouthpiece for Pyongyang. North Korea’s state media has yet to unveil its official response to Moon’s proposal.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link, but calls from the North Korean media to end US-ROK military drills will be ceased upon by the freeze deal advocates as a sign that the Kim regime is acceptable to such a deal.  The Chinese and Russians have also come out in support of suspending US-ROK military drills in return for North Korea suspending their missile and nuclear programs.

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7 years ago

I had a nephew like that once. He turned out not to like not getting dessert. Not sure how to penalize fatboy without killing off more “innocent” norks. I think he eats them.

But I am glad SecDef Mattis is on the case.

Reply to  setnaffa
7 years ago

Please forgive the rough language. 😳

knife Aquelee
7 years ago

I got a feeling this is going to be a reactive rather than a proactive president, I think he got the Obama syndrome, start off really great then simmer to a flicker.

knife Aquelee
Reply to  setnaffa
7 years ago

Funny thing about the American WAR MACHINE, they will fuck with everybody except for North Korea. That goes to show you, that DPRK is nothing to play around with. I wonder could we hire DPRK to take out terrorist around the world. North Korea should go into guns for hire business, their reputation is getting out. I think I will get me a North Korean watchdog, North Korean home burglar alarm, made in North Korean hand gun, North Korean umbrella, I think I will buy me a fully equipped North Korean army division. wander how much is an empty North Korean city or fully equipped city with people dogs and birds in, store, malls.

7 years ago

Moon will probably want the exercises cancelled…..

Reply to  knife Aquelee
7 years ago

You and Paul Begala are best friends, eh? He wants Trump to nuke Russia because Cankles lost.

Meanwhile, you write with a Pyeongyang lisp.

knife Aquelee
7 years ago

Moon will probably want to remove all US military personnel or substantial reduction, a little bird just landed on my shoulder and told me so. With that in mind, it would cause a ruckus big time. North Korea will probably whistle good nothing in his ear to get the GI off the peninsula. And then wham bang thank you, mam. Unlike the Trump administration, South Korea does have a back channel with the North Koreans.

knife Aquelee
Reply to  setnaffa
7 years ago

When you stand up to America; like Muhammad Ali and North Korea. People begin to notice and appreciate that ideal and value. North Koreans may not know this, but they are building a BRAND! If America “blink” We’ve are totally F@#$%^&. I do not envy the man who has to make some serious decisions in the not to distance future.So help me God.

Reply to  knife Aquelee
7 years ago

He sure complains about our “aggression” a lot for someone we don’t dare “play around with”.
….so, you’re sayin’ Kim Jong Un is a fat whiny bitch?


knife Aquelee
7 years ago

Wow have anybody been around Dongduchon South Korea lately, it looks like a Catagory five tornado been through there, THAT TOWN IS IN NEED OF SOME INDUSTRIES. Trash all over the place outside the main gate of Camp Casey mile high, right outside the walk through the gate. No, wander the North Korean don’t want to have any thing to do with U.S, seeing all that trash around a U.S base. That little town was never that bgreat, but they have taken a even more nose dive since the military scale back there. Africans all over the place, looks like africa. North Korean see all of this, and they don’t like it. there should not be any hooker bars around the new base for ten mile, and I hope the command keep it clean outside the gates.

7 years ago

I agree with the N. Korean media. S. Korea should do so b/c Trump is the worst president in U.S. history and he cannot be trusted by anyone. S. Korea, see the light!

Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

Join the discussiocomment image

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Why the F does it leave “Join the Discussion” in the text field when you click on it? So annoying. ❗

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

lol in the days of meme wars, that one was pretty fatal.

Reply to  liz
7 years ago

I imagine Obama’s face superimposed on a key scene here:

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