Picture of the Day: Searching for Mines Along Imjim River

Search for mines from N. Korea

Army soldiers use landmine detectors to search bushes along the Imjin River that runs across the inter-Korean border in the South Korean border town of Paju on July 20, 2017, for wood-box landmines that may have floated down from North Korea. The box mines are frequently found near the inter-Korean border area after summer floods cause them to wash down from North Korea. (Yonhap)

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7 years ago

WTF? Hey I’m no fan of bs gear for bs training (especially safety gear) but seriously, you send guys out searching for landmines into areas where they are “frequently found” and you outfit them with standard protection?

Look at the way the guy in the foreground is exposed. So what if the body armor is protecting vitals when all your appendages will be ripped up to include your pelvis? Those plastic elbow, knee, and shin guards aren’t going to stop jack.

I can see the guy know quoted from his hospital bed “Yes, thanks my body armor I’m still alive, now please excuse me while the nurses change out the tubes attach to my crotch to drain waste fluids. I’d do it but as you can see I have no arms or legs.”

7 years ago

Smokes, you will note his protective gloves are not standard ajashi gloves… but the ones with the red coating.

Safety is obviously a concern.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

I must respectfully disagree, CH. In spite of their obviously over-engineered gloves, no one is wearing reflective belts…

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