ROK Drop Open Thread – July 23, 2017

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7 years ago

That’s how you get more Trump.

7 years ago

As with many of your posts this makes no fucking sense.

You link some half-ass’ed wannabe Buzzfeed YouTuber report of Matt Groening’s attempt to freshen up a show that’s been dead for a decade by spouting an unsupported inflammatory claim (read joke) that says while not racist, FoxNews is number one with racists. Then mentions the unimaginative crowd of dolts rips of Trump’s crowds with a “lock em up” chant.

The fuck does that even matter? Who gives a shit what racists like? If Groening’s so upset with his company then he can take a hike but he won’t cause he’s a pathetic coward. If the National Organization of Racists in America (NORA) proclaims they love Rocky Road ice cream, should there be outcries and protests of Rocky Road? Trump didn’t order anyone in the military, an order of that nature is not legal.

Here’s a final fact to chew on, Fox is the most centric of the all the corporate news. It certainly needs work on being actually “fair and balanced” but it’s more true to the spirit of journalism than all the other major players. That’s really says something for the horrible state of journalism in America.

Overall I’m still wondering why RokDrop is your site of choice to post this rookie trolling nonsense. It’s a site focused on Korea not American politics. Ass.

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Foxnews “journalism” with the exception of Shep Smith bases its stories to side with Trump. That makes it State TV news like Russia’s RT. Never before has a president condemned the free press(1st Amendment of our constitution-remember that one?) and one news channel while promoting another. Foxnews No1with Racists and Trump = State TV Propaganda news also like Kim, Jong-un’s North Korea.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

Or PBS or BBC? Aren’t they state owned?

7 years ago

Here let me help…
“turned his chancellor eyes”
Uhh I guess you aren’t a native English speaker because that’s the only kind of person who could be excused for writing that. :envy:

““It is proper, constitutional… … no one, even President Clinton, is above the law.””
Ok, what actionable proof exists that your President, Trump is guilt of such criminal acts? 😕

“can Trump he tried as an adult”
He’s over 18 so yes. :hmm:

“how will we find handcuffs that small”
The small hand jokes are so lame. It only shows your desperation that that’s the best you have. 😆

7 years ago

At the ready again with a helping hand:
See? You’re off to a shit start when you go linking HuffPo. Here’s a better link, try something more centric. 🙄

“so call that congressman and call that senator and make sure you get it”
Awesome isn’t it? In America you can contact your representative and speak up for things you want if you so desire. Thanks to our President for reminding us of our options. Good thing this isn’t Venezuela where you have to go out and battle in the streets for it eh? 😮

“As the Washington Post pointed out”
See? HuffPo made the same mistake you did, referencing a organization with extreme views to support their own. Tsk tsk… 🙁

“could have been perceived by military members in attendance, whom he commands, as an order.”
Oh absolutely! If they were dumbasses who don’t know the difference between legal and illegal orders and thought that’s how the military worked. Whew good thing our military isn’t full of dumbasses. Looks like the only dumbasses are the WaPo, HuffPo, and anyone repeating this garbage (you). :shutmouth:

Keep em coming, I’ll tear everyone of your garbage posts up. 😈

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Name another President that told military personnel to call their representatives to support the presidents agenda. DUUUH, good luck with that.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

To call a representative… that’s a pretty stupid thing to bitch about but I’ve already explained to you why it doesn’t matter but I guess I have to spell it out for you:
1799 during the Quasi-War president John Adams wrote an order to authorize the U.S. Navy to seize any vessel bound for a French port, or traveling from a French port. A U.S. Navy captain seized a Danish Ship (the Flying Fish), which was en route from a French Port. The owners of the ship sued the Navy captain in U.S. maritime court for trespass. They won, and the United States Supreme Court upheld the decision.

Articles 90, 91, and 92 require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it.

Yo I should start charging you for all this free education. 😎

Reply to  Smokes at Work
7 years ago

1799 TEEHEE that was a good one!!!

7 years ago

This is how it starts.

Fortunately, Koreans are a bit racist and have not discovered the joys of political correctness… so it will be hard to hold Korea emotionally hostage.

Crystal Ball: “via user tip”

Reply to  Smokes at Work
7 years ago

“As a legal matter, the president’s authority trumps the Department of Defense’s rules on political activity, if not the UCMJ’s criminal provisions, although the latter can be read to allow what Trump wants. If the troops obey Trump in this instance, however, they must essentially disobey their own regulations, not to mention service norms and values.

More broadly, Trump’s commands inject uncertainty and doubt into the military, which depends on order and discipline for cohesion and effectiveness and combat. Which rules, exactly, are troops to follow when the president himself casts such doubt as he did in Norfolk? If the president believes the rules governing political activity don’t suit him, how broadly will that apply? Are they now allowed to fly“Make America Great Again” or “Trump for President” flags from their personal cars on base? From military vehicles? (This presumably would be a unilateral allowance, and expressing support for Democrats would still be verboten.)

Georgetown law professor and my colleague Rosa Brooks rightly pointed out how unlikely it was that the military would disobey a presidential order. The greatest danger of all posed by Trump’s disregard for military values is that he will someday go further than he did this weekend and undermine rules or norms with far graver consequences…”

Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

I picked the earliest example of it by a president who was neither Republican or Democrat. There are plenty more examples, the majority of them happening during the Vietnam War I believe.

Less “tee hee” more “I see”. :hmm:

Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

Already told you about linking garbage extreme sources. Slate’s garbage left. I also already explained how only a fool looking for a court martial would take podium rhetoric as a lawful command. Move on, you got spanked on this already like a little boy who pooped his pants. 😎

7 years ago

Yeah last I looked Roger Waters is an entertainer and not an American. Two major factors anyone should consider when deciding to give a fuck about what some washed up burned out Brit thinks of our (yes yours too Tbone) president. Moving along… ➡

7 years ago

Heyyy look at you linking the AP, there’s a start. 😉 Aww man what’s this shit?
“GOP Church” 😯
Had to go f’ing it up eh? Nowhere in that article or any other I read through in anyway links the Word of Faith Fellowship to the GOP, Conservatives, or Republicans.

Look I get it that your ass is sore from me jamming the reality bat up it the last few days with no lube but that’s no excuse to just go making things up. 👿

Moving on… ➡

7 years ago

Ehh TLDR… :whew:
I’m just gonna go and say the person in the article is just bored because thanks to our president they don’t have to dodge ambushes or chase illegals non-stop… I dunno… something something…

Moving on… ➡

7 years ago

Not going to bother because your sources are known garbage. :chuckle:

Moving on… ➡

7 years ago

“Remember how Nixon”
No, and most likely neither do you cause that was 1974.

TF kinda post is this anyway? Now you’re just filling up space… go back to whatever Samantha Bee fan forum you’re stealing this garbage from and bring back something with some beef.

Goin to bed. ➡

7 years ago

Few things bother me…

…but fuuuuck.

I’m not sure how much more TEEHEE I can take.

I have a theory that Tbone only types TEEHEE when he is wearing women’s panties…

…there is no other explanation why an adult would overuse such an expression…

…and the accompanying visualization is not a pleasant thing.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

I’ve been ignoring the teehee’s for the most part because I know he doing it purely to troll.

Women’s panties? Are there men’s panties? 😛

Blueberry Muffins for Breakfast
Blueberry Muffins for Breakfast
Reply to  Smokes at Work
7 years ago

TEEHEE’s Posse:

comment image?quality=85&strip=all&w=770

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

“you’ll shut up about S. Korea then b/c you’re not S. Korean”
I do, sort of. I don’t go on Korean forums telling them how to run their country. I don’t do taped interviews on the subject either. Complaining about various things to other non-Koreans is far different than virtually invading Korea trying to enforce my frame of thought upon them. :hmm:

Even if I were to become a Korean citizen I’d not think it were proper to go running my mouth for a very long time because I should firstly be trying to adapt to their ways, otherwise what was the point of becoming a citizen? That’s something Samantha Bee needs to learn. ❓

Anyway I never said Waters needs to shut up, I merely pointed out two big reasons his opinions on the subject shouldn’t be given much weight. 😎

Reply to  Smokes at Work
7 years ago

: Smokes, you mean this?

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Yeah the NYT isn’t biased at all.. ohh.. what’s this?

If they aren’t garbage they’ve been at least rolling around in it. Salon’s garbage though.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
Reply to  Cornbread
7 years ago

I’m at work, no TinyUrl for me. 🙁
I’ll have to look tonight because most likely that’s something I don’t want to be seen looking at in the office.

7 years ago

Maybe there’s a reason Trump met with the prime minister of Lebanon and not the president. Pressure on Iran and its allies is a stated priority at this point.

I wonder about the 2,200 civilians being killed in Syria. Is that the number killed accidentally by coalition forces? Total over all civilian deaths in Syria’s civil war and during Obama’s presidency are anywhere from 330,000 to close to half a million, so surely they aren’t referring to that.

A good question might be: “How many civilians were killed by “moderate rebels” armed by the Obama administration?”

It’s almost as if the Syrian people would have suffered less if Assad had won an early and decisive victory and restored some measure of order instead of a long, drawn out bloodbath.

Reply to  Smokes at Work
7 years ago

“S. Korean style”
Uhh no it’s not. It’s pretty common knowledge that ㅋㅋㅋ is used by actual South Koreans. :hmm:

Wow… fail on several core levels. Go directly to 교도소; do not pass 가, do not collect ₩200000. 😆

7 years ago

I beat you up yesterday, let someone else do it for a bit…

7 years ago

“TEEHEE = LOL but S. Korean style.”


TEEHEE = I am a preteen girl trapped in an almost-man’s body.

Tbone, everything about you is so far below average, it is a mystery why you don’t kill yourself.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

“Tbone, everything about you is so far below average, it is a mystery why you don’t kill yourself.”

Because without him, this forum would be pretty slow and quiet.

7 years ago

Look up imran awan. Interesting happenings in Washington.

7 years ago

Anyone going to the Chuncheon Dakgalbi & Makguksu Festival (춘천 닭갈비막국수축제) this year?

Can you post photos, favorite stuff about the event?

7 years ago

GI, perhaps moving to a more limited audience would help the smell in here.

Maybe copying some features of Discus so we can choose to block certain folks? While that might definitely affect me in certain circles, I’d risk that to be able to read more about Korea, less about folks driven mentally ill by the events of last November…

7 years ago

TBone since this seems to bother you so much I guess you’re now on board with all the calls to lock up Hillary for doing the same thing only worse?

*listens to the crickets chirp*

Yeah thought so. 🙄

Reply to  GIKorea
7 years ago

GI, I see a -6 vote up there and the comment is still viewable.

7 years ago

I don’t think the -5 thing works, GI…

Reply to  setnaffa
7 years ago

Yeah, I see a -7 up theres.

7 years ago

The magic number is -10, not -5.

We just need to be sure to ALWAYS hit the downvote on anything Tbone says that is annoying.

Look how sleek the conversation looks without pages of Tbone nonsense.

7 years ago

Who do you like better Trump or McCain? McCain is a Hero on HealthCare ~ Who’d a thunk it?
Remember two days ago when McCain got a standing ovation when he returned to DC after diagnosis…

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

Maybe but what is the goal here? A bunch of people all agreeing with each other? I think we all know a few “News Organizations” that do that. GI might as well rename the site “ROK SafeSpace”…

I don’t care for or agree with the guy usually but shutting people down was more a Marmot’s Hole thing.

7 years ago

“I don’t care for or agree with the guy usually but shutting people down was more a Marmot’s Hole thing.”

It isn’t a matter of agreement or disagreement. It is a matter of disruption.

Tbone isn’t the guy telling you Hollywood needs more remakes. Tbone is the guy yelling into his phone during the movie.

7 years ago

I’m starting a petition to demand GI add back the posts that any of us responded to. Now our responses just look random and strange. I have an image to worry about here.

Upvotes count as signatures. Let’s get this done.

GI: Just in case this gets a lot of upvotes, please know it’s just a joke.

7 years ago

GI has ultimate authority over his website.

I suggest that we can help make it better by throwing our two cents in. He doesn’t have to do anything one war or the other but it doesn’t hurt to identify a problem or recommend a solution.

I have no problem with TBone putting forth opposing views. I will even patiently tolerate his verbal tirades against me. I guess the biggest problem to me is his constant copy/paste spamming. Just a personal opinion, but I think it does clog up the boards.

Don’t know how that could be fixed without going too far. It is nice to have a place where anyone can say whatever is on their mind. Like Smokes said, I will entertain another person’s point of view, but it’s just too much at some times.

7 years ago

1. Again, Tbone has no goal other than to annoy and disrupt any meaningful conversation or debate among the adults. He has NOT ONCE contributed anything of value to any topic… except to serve as a warning.

2. Don’t use the reply feature. It is annoying trying to go back through a 100 comment open thread and looking for the hidden replies instead of just going to the end and reading the ones you have not seen before.

3. Stop whining about an edit button. Be an adult and say what you want to say the way you want to say it. Look it over once. Nobody expects perfection. Own your mistakes and let them be a lesson to be more careful. Don’t rely on an edit button to go back and edit your comment to revise history when proven to be full of shít.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

I second the notion about the reply feature. No one should use it…….

7 years ago

“The magic number is -10, not -5.”

CH has some internet superpowers, or something.
How on earth did you do that? 😯
At any rate, I’m all for “differences of opinion”, but not pure spammer flametrolling.
There’s absolutely no value in that.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

Don’t let the door hit you, where the Good Lord split you!

Seriously, you had a chance for a conversation, but you prefer to just crap all over the place. Both you, the Imitation BONEHEAD, and the original “got kicked out of his apartment, and came here to cry” BONEHEAD.

7 years ago

The name Silva rings a bell for some reason. Maybe his case was covered here?

(btw, JQpublic is an idiot…he is attempting to pull two paradoxical memes, on the one end insisting the rampant sexual assault is ubiquitous…but on the other they just keep punishing the wrong people, damnit! Here’s an idea, John: Maybe those rampant and unchallenged sexual assaults don’t actually exist)

Reply to  Liz
7 years ago

LOL Smoke’s reply moves with my posts. 🙂

James W Bolt [ 40 yards]
James W Bolt [ 40 yards]
7 years ago

.All I care about is will they do their duty and bleed with me if it come to combat

7 years ago

“CH has some internet superpowers, or something.”

I have many superpowers…

…though a number of them are better suited for a more intimate environment.

7 years ago

Since we’re getting ready for a BBQ this weekend (and pretty much every weekend in Texas), I thought I’d share an old joke. Please grade it accordingly.

It reminds me of my first week in Korea when I learned that being able to eat jalapenos like candy was no protection at all against even so-called “mild” Korean spice (and vice-versa according to my wife).

The Texas Chili Cook-off

NOTE: Please take time to read this slowly. If you pay attention to the first two judges, the reaction of the third is even better. For those of you who have lived in Texas, you know how true this is. They actually have a Chili cook-off about the time the rodeo comes to town. It takes up a major portion of the parking lot at the Astrodome. The notes are from an inexperienced chili taster named Frank, who was visiting Texas from the East.

Frank: “Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chili cook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment and I happened to be standing there at the judge’s table asking directions of two judges (Native Texans). They said that the chili wouldn’t be all that spicy and, besides, they told me I could have free beer during the tasting. So I accepted.”

Here are the scorecards from the event:


Judge # 1: A little too heavy on the tomato. Amusing kick.

Judge # 2: Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.

Judge #3 (Frank): Holy Mother of God! What is this stuff? You could remove dried paint from your driveway. Took me two beers to put the flames out. I hope that’s the worst one. These Texans are crazy


Judge # 1: Smoky, with a hint of pork. Slight jalapeno tang.

Judge # 2: Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be taken seriously.

Judge # 3: Keep this out of the reach of children. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people who wanted to give me the Heimlich maneuver. They had to rush in more beer when they saw the look on my face


Judge # 1: Excellent firehouse chili. Great kick. Needs more beans.

Judge # 2: A bean less chili, a bit salty, good use of peppers

Judge # 3: Call the EPA. I’ve located a uranium spill. My nose feels like I have been snorting Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now. Get me more beer before the flames that come from my ears ignite again. Barmaid pounded me on the back, now my backbone is in the front part of my chest. I’m getting ****-faced from all of the beer.


Judge # 1: Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.

Judge # 2: Hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or other mild foods, not much of a chili.

Judge # 3: I felt something scraping across my tongue, but was unable to taste it. Is it possible to burn out taste buds? Sally, the barmaid, was standing behind me with fresh refills. That 300-lb. blonde lady is starting to look HOT – just like this nuclear waste I’m eating. They told me chili is an aphrodisiac!


Judge # 1: Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground, adding considerable kick. Very impressive.

Judge # 2: Chili using shredded beef, could use more tomato. Must admit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.

Judge # 3: My ears are ringing, sweat is pouring off my forehead and I can no longer focus my eyes. I farted and four people behind me needed paramedics. The contestant seemed offended when I told her that her chili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue from bleeding by pouring beer directly on it from the pitcher. I wonder if I’m burning my lips off.! It really pisses me off that the other judges asked me to stop screaming. Screw those rednecks.


Judge # 1: Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance of spices and peppers.

Judge # 2: The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, and garlic. Superb.

Judge # 3: My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous, sulfuric flames. I **** myself when I farted and I’m worried it will eat through the chair. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except that Sally. She must be braver than I thought. Can’t feel my lips anymore, and I really need to wipe my *** with a snow cone.


Judge # 1: A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.

Judge # 2: Ho hum, tastes as if the chef literally threw in a can of chili peppers at the last moment. I should take note that I am worried about Judge # 3. He appears to be in a bit of distress as he is cursing uncontrollably.

Judge # 3: You could put a grenade in my mouth, pull the pin, and I wouldn’t feel a thing. I’ve lost sight in one eye, and the world sounds like it is made of rushing water. My shirt is covered with chili which slid unnoticed out of my mouth. My pants are full of lava-like **** to match my shirt. At least during the autopsy, they’ll know what killed me. I’ve decided to stop breathing, its too painful. Screw it, I’m not getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air, I’ll just suck it in through the 4-inch hole in my stomach.


Judge # 1: The perfect ending, this is a nice blend chili. Not too bold but spicy enough to declare its existence.

Judge # 2: This final entry is a good, balance chili. Neither mild nor hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge # 3 passed out, fell over and pulled the chili pot down on top of himself. Not sure if he’s going to make it. I wonder how he’d have reacted to really hot chili!

7 years ago

Sorry about the screwy formatting. 😳 😳 😳 😳

I won’t try that again.

7 years ago

Son of a… where’s the reply button?! Damn you CH! 👿

7 years ago

Scaramucci’s wife reportedly files for divorce over his ‘naked political ambition’

Look GI, a conservative NY Post link below. Are ya happy now?
“Deidre is not a fan of Trump(SMART!!!) and she hasn’t exactly been on board and supportive of Anthony and his push to get back into the White House,” the source explained.

7 years ago

South Korea’s Moon orders talks with U.S. to deploy more THAAD units after North Korea ICBM test
Wonder if these will need to have environmental impact assessments as well? 😉

7 years ago

The reply button, yeah I know I was just preemptively boo-hoo’ing.

I saw that about the “units”, didn’t say anything because I took it to mean two items, not two organizations…

7 years ago

What do Nixon, Reagan, and Trump all have in common…Their regimes all started with treasonous acts!

And Bush? His brother knocked off 50+ thousand African Americans off the voter rolls in FL and the the conservative SCOTUS stopped the recount.

7 years ago

“What do Nixon, Reagan, and Trump all have in common”

They demonstrate that Tbone is not clear on the definition of treason.

As for knocking people off the voter rolls, I was pretty comfortable with the “fact” that Hillary won the popular vote…

…but with all the shady statistics, from improbably large numbers of old people voting (likely dead) to organized voting by illegal aliens… coupled with the resistance to investigation or transparency in Democrat voting areas… well… maybe a lot of those votes shouldn’t be counted as actual votes.

7 years ago

Scaramucci Had Talks With Kremlin-Backed Firm During Campaign.
Is this a “leftist” site GI?
Note date of article…
Calling Special Prosecutor Mueller…Mr. Mueller, you better get on this ASAP!!!

Scaramucci(used car salesman) is just like Trump(perfect fit) and his campaign team members with Russian ties in sanctioned businesses and/or Russian top-tier mobsters. Lucky for his wife to get out(divorce) while the getting is good. When will Melanoma follow suit?
“Tony(used-car salesman) Scaramucci, aide to President-elect Donald Trump and founder of SkyBridge Capital, discussed possible joint investments in a meeting in Davos with the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund that the U.S. sanctioned in 2015, the fund’s press service said.

The meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a $10 billion state-run investment vehicle, is the first public contact between the incoming administration and Kremlin-backed business. Trump has suggested he could ease the sanctions on Russia if the Kremlin cooperates on his policy priorities. Scaramucci confirmed the Davos meeting. 

In an interview with the Russian state news agency TASS Tuesday, he also criticized the sanctions as ineffective. Trump’s view about Russia is that “there’s probably shared values or shared interests, that we can align ourselves with each other and this could be mutually beneficial,” he said.

The two sides didn’t disclose details of the meeting, which Scaramucci said took place Monday evening…

…Speaking on a panel in Davos, Scaramucci said Trump has tremendous respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tony said sanctions don’t hurt Russians as they’d eat snow if need be but Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said no…”very tasty delicacies made in Russia.”

7 years ago

chickenbeheaded lectures ya’ll on how not to click “reply” though he often replied to me. And D.S., I had a discussion on the definition of treason before and the gloves fit!

7 years ago

John Kelly Zero political experience in charge of the most competent team, the best team ever imaginable so if he fails(he will) it’s his own fault. But if he doesn’t rip away Tony(used-car salesman) Scaramucci’s credentials day one, he will have already failed…TickTock

7 years ago

Meet John Kelly, Donald Trump’s New Enabler in Chief.
Kelly has a record of coddling Trump—and no good will come of that.
“…There will be no such “problem” with the man who on Monday will replace Priebus. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, the retired United States Marine Corps general who will become the second White House chief of staff in the first year of Trump’s presidency, is an absolute apologist for this president.

Kelly is an outspoken and over-the-top Trump loyalist who announced to a February House Homeland Security Committee oversight session that “I work for one man. His name is Donald Trump.”

Translation: Even if Kelly disagrees with a policy, even if he has doubts about whether Trump is doing the right thing, he was not going to share those anxieties with the members of Congress who are charged with overseeing the executive branch. The question is whether he will share those anxieties with Trump himself; and Kelly’s record does not inspire confidence…

…When Kelly used the term “for the previous administration to do something like that,” he was effectively asserting that the wiretapping had either occurred or, at the least, was likely to have occurred. Yet former director of national intelligence James Clapper was already saying, “There was no wiretap against Trump Tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the National Intelligence Community.” Former CIA and NSA director General Michael Hayden was saying that there was “no body of evidence” for Trump’s claim that Obama ordered those election-season wiretaps.

What was John Kelly thinking?

The answer is that he was not thinking. He was simply covering for the president—doing his “work for one man”: Donald Trump. Everyone knows that one man needs to be challenged and confronted with reality. Unfortunately, John Kelly does not have a record of challenging or confronting the president’s absurd assertions. Kelly has a record of coddling Trump, and no good will come of that.

Read in Full…
I read it as I ALWAYS do, I didn’t “just copy/paste” so I’m much more of a read person than anyone here. I read everything I link to and all you smucks do is trash the link rather than the news in the article which tells me that when presented in your face factual info. you CANNOT dispute specifics but only the link as “leftist” which GI Korea CANNOT define. He only uses the word “leftist links” as rhetoric just like a GOPer!!! And after he deletes my links(DMF).

7 years ago

I saw crytococcus once, when I worked in a medical lab, on a slide from a patient at our facility.
After the stuff invaded his brain he really started exhibiting some very strange behavior. They didn’t have many blogs or social media back then, the internet was relatively new. Hopefully a certain someone will get treatment.

7 years ago

comment image

7 years ago

Suffolk County Police Are The 2nd Organization In Two Days To Disavow Insane Trump Statements
“Following on the heels of the Boy Scouts, the Suffolk County Police Department has become the second organization in two days to disavow statements from Trump after the President called for more police brutality during a Friday speech to law enforcement officers.

On Thursday, The Boy Scouts of America apologized for Trump’s inappropriate speech to their national jamboree.

How many organizations had to apologize for or disavow speeches given by the previous five presidents? The answer to that question is zero.

Donald Trump is not well, and anytime that he is irresponsibly allowed to abuse the presidential platform in public is another moment of national disgrace that will result in a cleanup crew being forced to follow behind and clean up his toxic mentally broken mess.”

7 years ago

Just one more….thought this was cute.
I have a couple of chihuahua mixes
(rescue dogs, I’d never have picked that breed otherwise)

7 years ago

Tony the Mooch not only LOVES Trump more than his wife who has filed for divorce but he also LOVES the Fandango…And (FTB) in…

7 years ago

Smoothly Running WH CANNOT be “Led Up” by Trump enabler Kelly. Really now, who believes Kelly can “lead up” Trump(TEEHEE)?

7 years ago

LOL just saw this one too:

comment image

7 years ago

On a more serious note, here is something CH has brought up a few times (though not recently). Interesting (and scary) stuff.

“I recently ran into a European counter-terrorism expert who complained that it was getting very difficult to build a fake profile on Facebook. Every time his team tried to set up a fake profile, it was shut down in less than 24 hours. Here’s why he ran into problems.”

When I first set up my Facebook account (I have about zero Facebook profile and only started it very recently due to great social pressure related to my spouse’s job…essentially I had no choice). But as soon as I started it, with absolutely no profile I was inundated with a list of “people I might know”. It was a scary accurate list.

7 years ago

Trump was born during a Lunar Eclipse which makes him more susceptible and spells doom. Take cover on or around this August 21st as eclipses are monumental celestial events with real-world(not fake i.e. Trump’s Transgender Ban) consequences.

7 years ago

Keep uniforms away from campaigns ~ because some cheer police brutality. They might have been thinking of their former Suffolk County police chief James Burke who is in jail for police brutality ~ Is the link below a “leftist” site GI Korea?
“It’s against the law for police officers to appear at political campaign events(but Trump doesn’t care) in uniform to endorse candidates, and for good reason. That’s been the law in New York for more than 40 years, and for good reason:

having uniformed officers endorse a politician at a campaign event can either give the candidate an aura of support from the government itself or make people afraid to oppose the police choice, which is inappropriate in elective politics.

In 2014 the state Board of Elections reaffirmed the law, ruling: “The use of the uniform as a prop adds the weight of the police office and accomplishes the very evil which . . . [the election law] would avoid.”

7 years ago

James Burke, Ex-SuffolkCounty Police Chief, Is Sentenced to 46 Months for
Police Brutality. Sometimes it reaches far up the chain all the way to the president buying judges…
Burke’s GMC Yukon was full of sex toys and pornography. See how leader who ignores the rules corrupts an entire department.

Click “Read More” at bottom for better reading format…

“The judge, Leonard D. Wexler of Federal District Court, compared Mr. Burke’s style as police chief to that of a dictator who commanded a loyal following. Judge Wexler said that Mr. Burke had “corrupted a system,” and that his crimes were not limited to a single episode.

“It did not take one day,” Judge Wexler said of Mr. Burke’s efforts to thwart the F.B.I.’s investigation. “It stretched over three years.”

His career was almost derailed early on by a relationship with a prostitute, and his habit of losing his service weapon.

Burke also ran his police department, with about 2,300 officers, in a manner at odds with the latest police management journals. In one recent legal filing, prosecutors say his office “was repurposed into a makeshift bar which was open every night for ‘drinks.’” Mr. Burke also had subordinates “conduct surveillance” on his girlfriend or his girlfriend’s exes, prosecutors claimed in the legal filing.

[If women understood how many cops do this, they’d never date one again.]

Initially, the case against Mr. Burke had a narrow focus: Had he punched, and even threatened to kill, the duffel-bag thief?

Mr. Burke pressured detectives to commit perjury in court and to lie to federal agents who were investigating the assault.

For a time, his cover-up did, in fact, stymie the F.B.I. But in 2015, after more than two years, federal agents gained the cooperation and testimony of at least 10 police officers, some of whom corroborated the details of Mr. Burke’s violent conduct after officers arrested the man who had snatched the duffel bag from his GMC Yukon.

The thief, Christopher Loeb, a young heroin addict…cuffed & shackled to the floor of an interrogation room…Burke barged into the room, punched Mr. Loeb, shook his head violently, and threatened him saying that he would receive a “hot shot,” slang for a fatal dose of heroin.

Mr. Loeb, still handcuffed and shackled to the floor, called Mr. Burke a pervert, apparently berating him about the pornography in the duffel bag.

Burke “went out of control,” screaming at and beating Mr. Loeb until one of the detectives said, “Boss, that’s enough, that’s enough.”

Burke’s conduct had “severely undermined the public’s trust in law enforcement at a time in which relations between law enforcement and the public are at an all-time low.”

Burke is the only person criminally charged in the case, and is refusing to cooperate with prosecutors or help them build cases against his former colleagues.

In a recent court filing, prosecutors said their investigation was “ongoing with respect to other co-conspirators…

…The federal investigation appears to be casting a wide net…the Eastern District of New York, has begun to look at the Suffolk County district attorney’s office, according to three law enforcement officials…
…Christopher McPartland, for improprieties, including the possibility that political motivations had played a role, according to the three officials…The federal investigation has also led agents to seek evidence concerning the question of whether judgeships are for sale in Suffolk County.”

7 years ago

You win, Tbone.

This is why people can’t have nice things.

7 years ago

Treason it is

“This is Treason!” Lyndon Johnson Everett Dirksen Phone Call November 2 1968
President Johnson: 
Some of our folks, including some of the old China lobby, are going to the Vietnamese embassy and saying please notify the [South Vietnamese] president that if he’ll hold out ’til November the second they could get a better deal. Now, I’m reading their hand, Everett. I don’t want to get this in the campaign.

And they oughtn’t be doin’ this. This is treason.

Sen. Dirksen: I know.

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