Korean Drama Criticized for Giving Islam a Bad Image

Via a reader tip comes this story of a Korean drama supposedly promoting Islamaphobia:

New Korean comedy-drama Man who Dies to Live has caused an uproar among netizens who have accused it of misusing Islamic values and portraying a false image of Muslims in its scenes.

According to yonhapnews.co.kr, the drama, which has been broadcasted on MBC TV since July 19, tells the story of Jang Dal-goo who travels to a fictional country in the Middle East, gets rich, receives a “count” title and then becomes a citizen under the name of Saeed Fahd Ali.

He later returns to Korea to reunite with his long-lost daughter and her husband.

The actor who plays the main character of Jang Dal-goo, Choi Min-soo, appears as a stereotypical Arab man by wearing thawb, headscarf and black robe.  (……..)

“That drama is sharing the wrong image of Islam and Muslims in general. It’s a total piece of garbage,” wrote Twitter user @mayssemgh, who also created a series of tweets on why MBC should not air the drama.  [Asia One]

Here is my favorite quote in the article:

“It’s literally just ruining Islam’s image and making fun of Muslims.”

I would say mass terrorism, ISIS, Al Qaeda, suicide bombings, oppression of women, slave markets, beheadings, etc. have done a fine job of ruining Islam’s image well before this stupid drama ever aired.


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Blueberry Muffins for Breakfast
Blueberry Muffins for Breakfast
7 years ago

If @mayssemgh doesn’t like it, he should change the channel. Don’t they have a Starcraft channel he can watch? ISIS are pretty much the Zerg…

7 years ago

Here everyone is cowering to the poor islamist…don’t upset them or they will have to kill you. Islamaphobia is a made up word to stop any criticism of islam and its perverted laws and treatment of people

Reply to  Flyingsword
7 years ago

Yes. And there’s no place for cowards in this fight.

7 years ago

Reporter for AsiaOne mistakes trolls for Muslims, gives them penultimate victory.

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