If you watch anything today, watch what retired General and White House Chief of Staff said at a press conference yesterday. No matter what you think of this whole condolence call controversy this is pretty powerful stuff. Here is an excerpt:
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
Invoking the death of his son, a Marine, in Afghanistan, White House chief of staff John Kelly delivered an impassioned defense on Thursday of President Trump’s outreach to families of four Americans recently killed in Niger. Kelly also denounced Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., as “selfish” for criticizing Trump for his message to one soldier’s widow.
“I appeal to America: Let’s not let this, maybe, last thing that’s held sacred in our society: a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country. Let’s try to somehow keep that sacred,” Kelly said in an unusual appearance in the White House briefing room. “It eroded a great deal yesterday by the selfish behavior of a member of Congress.”
Wilson had said that Trump callously told Myeshia Johnson — whose husband Army Sgt. La David Johnson was killed in an Oct. 4 patrol in Niger — that her husband “knew what he signed up for.” The congresswoman, a Johnson family friend, reportedly overheard parts of the conversation while riding in the same car as the widow. Trump flatly denied that account on Twitter Wednesday and said he had “proof.” The soldier’s mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, reportedly said that the president had “disrespected” her family.
But Kelly, a retired Marine general, broadly confirmed Wilson’s account — while explaining that Trump had drawn inspiration from what the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, told him when Robert Kelly was killed after stepping on a landmine while on patrol in Afghanistan in 2010.
“He said ‘Kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. He knew what he was getting into, by joining the Marines — that 1 percent — he knew what the possibilities were, because we’re at war,” Kelly said. “‘When he died, he was surrounded by the best men on this Earth, his friends.’
“That’s what the president tried to say to four families the other day,” Kelly said. “I was stunned when I came to work yesterday morning, and brokenhearted, at what I saw a member of Congress doing. A member of Congress who listened in on a phone call from the president of the United States to a young wife, and, in his way, tried to express that opinion — he was a brave man, a fallen hero. He knew what he was getting himself into, because he enlisted — there was no reason to enlist, he enlisted. And he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be, exactly the people he wanted to be with, when his life was taken. That was the message.” [Yahoo News]
You can read more and watch the video at the link. General Kelly definitely provides the needed context of what the President had tried to say. The President probably should have took General Kelly’s advice and not made the call considering the difficulty he can sometimes have articulating what he means. But like General Kelly I was surprised that a member of Congress after something like this happens, the first thing they think of is to find a camera to run in front of to score political points. Then the media deciding to run with it like they have is just as bad. Our political and media culture have definitely hit a new low.
“The President probably should have took General Kelly’s advice and not made the call considering the difficulty he can sometimes have articulating what he means.”
No. He shouldn’t have made the call because it was to a possibly toxic woman who was poisoned by a definately toxic woman.
I also agree with our esteemed CH in a way. Trump detractors are everywhere and our President has to beware of how and why he speaks to certain people.
7 years ago
“He shouldn’t have made the call because it was to a possibly toxic woman”
“Trump detractors are everywhere”
You guys clearly haven’t been paying attention to Trump. Since at least the 80’s people have been hating on him. He can’t go forward as President trying to walk on egg shells while performing his duties. He’ll kick them aside, shout “F those egg shells, we have shit to do.” do the job and while he’ll have offended some people the job gets done and that’s all that matters. F feelings. I’ll defer to Professor Rhames for 30s on that subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruhFmBrl4GM
Whether or not to make these calls is completely up to Trump and all other opinions shall be ignored. If you’re in the family you know that already just as you knew what “he knew what he signed up for” meant. No additional clarification required.
On the plus side, Trump’s uncovered another slimy turd in the swamp. A few days ago most of you had no idea who Rep. Wilson was or how horrible a person she is.
7 years ago
“A few days ago most of you had no idea who Rep. Wilson was or how horrible a person she is.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say every black woman in congress is a horrible person representing a horrible constituency with goals and desires so far from basic human decency it is hard to recognize them as fully human.
Show me one who isn’t screaming constant disruptive nonsense with their hands out for anything they can grab…
…with, sadly, too many willing to put something in that greedy hand simply to buy some temporary silence.
Show me one that doesn’t thrive on divisiveness… encouranging problems to maintain power rather than solving them.
Show me one that doesn’t reek of corruption… and counters any suspicions with loud calls of racism.
Show me one that doesn’t constantly go on blaming (mostly imaginary) racism for every ill yet feels it to be a basic right to be a racist.
Show me one that does not champion criminality.
They are all toxic… and they are elected from cesspools of toxic voters clumped together in toxic areas demanding the promotion of their broken and dysfunctional culture.
Trump should keep on Trumping and power through this nonsense.
…and bring the attention it requires to make these cockroaches scurry away.
7 years ago
“Show me one who isn’t screaming constant disruptive nonsense with their hands out for anything they can grab”
Interestingly she may be the only black Republican in the House. There’s like 250+ total, not everyone posted photos and I sure as shit ain’t looking all those jokers up.
Mike Morgan
7 years ago
As near as I can tell, with Tim Scott being a Senator and Allen West being beaten, Wil Hurd (Texas) is the only othe black GOP member of the House. But Mia Love is possibly the exception that proves CH’s hypothesis.
@Chickenhead, I think if he wanted to make the call he should have taken a more standard approach of offering condolences instead of the phrasing he used. When General Kelly explained it I understood it, but to a grieving wife this may not have been the best wording to use especially if not articulated correctly.
With that all said Trump is not the villain in this as media has been trying to make it out to be.
Of note is that Gen. Kelly did get his story about Congresswoman Wilson and the FBI building wrong. This is the part of his comments I thought he should not have made because it seemed below him. Here is the video of her speech. Her speech wasn’t that bad. She did make sure to point out that she is the one that got the building named which was self promoting, but most of the speech was not. There was no mention of funding.
Burma Bob
7 years ago
Going back to the reporters’ question that sparked all of this, Trump could have answered the question that was asked, instead of launch into a line of bullshit that led us here. The reporter’s question was aimed more at trying to prompt Trump into an explanation of what the fuck troops were doing in Niger in the first place, and how was it they found themselves getting shot at. It was a valid question, as the incident was several days old, and the administration hadn’t said much, and Trump himself had said nothing.
I think part of what has followed is a distraction created in the hopes that Trump’s Benghazi debacle can be avoided. But somehow I think that’s not going to happen. Weeks in, we know less about what happened than we knew at this point in time about what happened in Libya.
Mike Morgan
7 years ago
Pyongyang Bob is back!
7 years ago
Trump’s Benghazi?
Four soldiers killed in a sudden ambush rather than engaged in an extended firefight while support was withheld?
But it is Trump, right?
Maybe Trump’s Nazi Holocaust or Trump’s Ràpe of Nanking would better suit the imagination of the Left.
…and, unlike mentioning Benghazi, it would not be a constant reminder what a complete piece of shît Hillary is.
I, personally, would go for Trump’s Sacking of Rome…
…though Trump’s Destruction of Alderaan has a ring to it.
“The President probably should have took General Kelly’s advice and not made the call considering the difficulty he can sometimes have articulating what he means.”
No. He shouldn’t have made the call because it was to a possibly toxic woman who was poisoned by a definately toxic woman.
I agree with @1.
I also agree with our esteemed CH in a way. Trump detractors are everywhere and our President has to beware of how and why he speaks to certain people.
“He shouldn’t have made the call because it was to a possibly toxic woman”
“Trump detractors are everywhere”
You guys clearly haven’t been paying attention to Trump. Since at least the 80’s people have been hating on him. He can’t go forward as President trying to walk on egg shells while performing his duties. He’ll kick them aside, shout “F those egg shells, we have shit to do.” do the job and while he’ll have offended some people the job gets done and that’s all that matters. F feelings. I’ll defer to Professor Rhames for 30s on that subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruhFmBrl4GM
Whether or not to make these calls is completely up to Trump and all other opinions shall be ignored. If you’re in the family you know that already just as you knew what “he knew what he signed up for” meant. No additional clarification required.
On the plus side, Trump’s uncovered another slimy turd in the swamp. A few days ago most of you had no idea who Rep. Wilson was or how horrible a person she is.
“A few days ago most of you had no idea who Rep. Wilson was or how horrible a person she is.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say every black woman in congress is a horrible person representing a horrible constituency with goals and desires so far from basic human decency it is hard to recognize them as fully human.
Show me one who isn’t screaming constant disruptive nonsense with their hands out for anything they can grab…
…with, sadly, too many willing to put something in that greedy hand simply to buy some temporary silence.
Show me one that doesn’t thrive on divisiveness… encouranging problems to maintain power rather than solving them.
Show me one that doesn’t reek of corruption… and counters any suspicions with loud calls of racism.
Show me one that doesn’t constantly go on blaming (mostly imaginary) racism for every ill yet feels it to be a basic right to be a racist.
Show me one that does not champion criminality.
They are all toxic… and they are elected from cesspools of toxic voters clumped together in toxic areas demanding the promotion of their broken and dysfunctional culture.
Trump should keep on Trumping and power through this nonsense.
…and bring the attention it requires to make these cockroaches scurry away.
“Show me one who isn’t screaming constant disruptive nonsense with their hands out for anything they can grab”
Representative Mia Love from Utah
Interestingly she may be the only black Republican in the House. There’s like 250+ total, not everyone posted photos and I sure as shit ain’t looking all those jokers up.
As near as I can tell, with Tim Scott being a Senator and Allen West being beaten, Wil Hurd (Texas) is the only othe black GOP member of the House. But Mia Love is possibly the exception that proves CH’s hypothesis.
@Chickenhead, I think if he wanted to make the call he should have taken a more standard approach of offering condolences instead of the phrasing he used. When General Kelly explained it I understood it, but to a grieving wife this may not have been the best wording to use especially if not articulated correctly.
With that all said Trump is not the villain in this as media has been trying to make it out to be.
Of note is that Gen. Kelly did get his story about Congresswoman Wilson and the FBI building wrong. This is the part of his comments I thought he should not have made because it seemed below him. Here is the video of her speech. Her speech wasn’t that bad. She did make sure to point out that she is the one that got the building named which was self promoting, but most of the speech was not. There was no mention of funding.
Going back to the reporters’ question that sparked all of this, Trump could have answered the question that was asked, instead of launch into a line of bullshit that led us here. The reporter’s question was aimed more at trying to prompt Trump into an explanation of what the fuck troops were doing in Niger in the first place, and how was it they found themselves getting shot at. It was a valid question, as the incident was several days old, and the administration hadn’t said much, and Trump himself had said nothing.
I think part of what has followed is a distraction created in the hopes that Trump’s Benghazi debacle can be avoided. But somehow I think that’s not going to happen. Weeks in, we know less about what happened than we knew at this point in time about what happened in Libya.
Pyongyang Bob is back!
Trump’s Benghazi?
Four soldiers killed in a sudden ambush rather than engaged in an extended firefight while support was withheld?
But it is Trump, right?
Maybe Trump’s Nazi Holocaust or Trump’s Ràpe of Nanking would better suit the imagination of the Left.
…and, unlike mentioning Benghazi, it would not be a constant reminder what a complete piece of shît Hillary is.
I, personally, would go for Trump’s Sacking of Rome…
…though Trump’s Destruction of Alderaan has a ring to it.