I am not sure if the Pentagon is ready to sign up for this yet because removing US military dependents even gradually from South Korea would cause huge concern in South Korea:
Senator Lindsey Graham
Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that he believes it’s time to start moving the families of American military personnel out of South Korea as North Korea pushes the U.S. closer to a military conflict.
Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he will also urge the Pentagon not to send any more dependents to South Korea.
“It’s crazy to send spouses and children to South Korea, given the provocation of North Korea. South Korea should be an unaccompanied tour,” the South Carolina Republican said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” ”So, I want them to stop sending dependents, and I think it’s now time to start moving American dependents out of South Korea.” [Stars & Stripes via a reader tip]
You can read the rest at the link, but I think the South Korean government would be highly concerned if dependents are removed because it could be taken as a sign that the US is preparing for military action even if that is not the case. Additionally will foreign investors keep their money invested in South Korea if they feel a potentially destructive war appears to be coming with the US removing dependents? This is why I think the Pentagon will be very careful about if and when they remove dependents from South Korea.
“because removing US military dependents even gradually from South Korea would cause huge concern in South Korea”
It will cause concern in South Korea. It will cause concern in North Korea. It will cause concern in China. It will cause concern in Japan and Russia.
It will reduce concern in America.
…and America First, motherfůckers.
Any American who gives two fůcks about how much concern it causes for anyone but America can go fůck themselves.
Everyone in the region brought this entirely upon themselves through laziness, appeasement, apathy, liberalism, misguided idealism, short-term thinking, immediate political gain, wishful thinking, bad intent, misguided plots, treason, etc.
Too fůcking bad for you all.
You thought America would have decades of low-testosterone beta male presidents.
You thought wrong.
About half of Americans are slowly growing their Reagan Era balls back and are ready to party.
And those who don’t get on the program to help jam those balls up some deserving àss are going to get those balls jammed up their àss.
America First is not a problem anyone in the global community can solve. It is a situation that must be managed. And the best way to manage it is to support the aspects which contain shared values.
Good luck, world.
7 years ago
Other countries will only go along with the American First argument as long as it’s inline with there own national interests. For South Korea, that means peace on the peninsular, keeping North Korea in check and sustaining and advancing their economy. That’s Korea First for Koreans.
So, if the Americans’ presence no longer provides for that, does Korea have any alternatives? Well, there might be a Chinese offer of a realignment to provide for what the Koreans want, both North and South Koreans, after sending all of the American forces home.
The Chinese can play chess too.
Ole Tanker
7 years ago
Every Dependosaurus gone=a Parasite Lost.
7 years ago
“Other countries will only go along with the American First argument as long as it’s inline with there own national interests.”
…or they are left with little choice.
7 years ago
I really don’t care about what other countries think or don’t think, but if we are really concerned about the welfare of families should we pull them out of Europe first. I mean islamist attacks happening in Europe on a weekly basis. The only thing attacked in Korea are the fish in the East sea and some people’s feelings.
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago
Even tbe UK has multiple so-called “acid attacks” (often using a caustic base like lye instead of acid) every week.
I wouldn’t goanywhere in Europe on a bet.
7 years ago
“Even tbe UK has multiple so-called “acid attacks” (often using a caustic base like lye instead of acid) every week.”
It’s gonna be hard to outlaw lye, the key ingredient in soap. But I’ll bet they’ll try.
“because removing US military dependents even gradually from South Korea would cause huge concern in South Korea”
It will cause concern in South Korea. It will cause concern in North Korea. It will cause concern in China. It will cause concern in Japan and Russia.
It will reduce concern in America.
…and America First, motherfůckers.
Any American who gives two fůcks about how much concern it causes for anyone but America can go fůck themselves.
Everyone in the region brought this entirely upon themselves through laziness, appeasement, apathy, liberalism, misguided idealism, short-term thinking, immediate political gain, wishful thinking, bad intent, misguided plots, treason, etc.
Too fůcking bad for you all.
You thought America would have decades of low-testosterone beta male presidents.
You thought wrong.
About half of Americans are slowly growing their Reagan Era balls back and are ready to party.
And those who don’t get on the program to help jam those balls up some deserving àss are going to get those balls jammed up their àss.
America First is not a problem anyone in the global community can solve. It is a situation that must be managed. And the best way to manage it is to support the aspects which contain shared values.
Good luck, world.
Other countries will only go along with the American First argument as long as it’s inline with there own national interests. For South Korea, that means peace on the peninsular, keeping North Korea in check and sustaining and advancing their economy. That’s Korea First for Koreans.
So, if the Americans’ presence no longer provides for that, does Korea have any alternatives? Well, there might be a Chinese offer of a realignment to provide for what the Koreans want, both North and South Koreans, after sending all of the American forces home.
The Chinese can play chess too.
Every Dependosaurus gone=a Parasite Lost.
“Other countries will only go along with the American First argument as long as it’s inline with there own national interests.”
…or they are left with little choice.
I really don’t care about what other countries think or don’t think, but if we are really concerned about the welfare of families should we pull them out of Europe first. I mean islamist attacks happening in Europe on a weekly basis. The only thing attacked in Korea are the fish in the East sea and some people’s feelings.
Even tbe UK has multiple so-called “acid attacks” (often using a caustic base like lye instead of acid) every week.
I wouldn’t goanywhere in Europe on a bet.
“Even tbe UK has multiple so-called “acid attacks” (often using a caustic base like lye instead of acid) every week.”
It’s gonna be hard to outlaw lye, the key ingredient in soap. But I’ll bet they’ll try.