Japan’s Coast Guard Fights Off North Korean Fishing Boats

It looks like the fishing boats that don’t become “ghost ships” have become a major nuisance for the Japanese Coast Guard:

The Japan Coast Guard wages a constant battle to chase North Korean fishing boats from Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

From July, it began using water cannons on a regular basis to warn such boats to leave, but those efforts seem to have had little effect.

Instead, the number of boats operating in Japanese waters has increased, as well as those washing ashore, sometimes with dead crew members.

On Dec. 15, the coast guard released photos and video footage of its relentless campaign to rid Japanese waters of the unwelcome visitors.

The photos and videos released were taken between September and November in the Yamatotai fishing ground located about 400 kilometers west of Akita Prefecture’s Oga Peninsula.  [Asahi Shimbun]

You can read more at the link.

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MTB Rider
MTB Rider
7 years ago

Remove the word “Water,” and your problem will be solved.

7 years ago

Jusy send them to Davy Jones’ Locker.

7 years ago

Maybe the origin of ghost ships is not quite as mysterious as the Japanese media would have us believe.

blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

One has to feel sorry for the nork fishermen; but the Japanese are being very tolerant. What would happen to Japanese or South Korean boats that traveled into nork waters?

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