USFK Warns of Insider Threat After North Korean Propaganda Found on US Bases

It will be interesting to see if through CCTV or witnesses that the US military investigators will be able to track down who left the propaganda on the US bases:

U.S. Forces Korea is warning servicemembers on the peninsula to stay alert to potential insider threats after North Korean propaganda appeared on American bases.

The 8th Army reported that propaganda leaflets were discovered at Seoul’s Yongsan Garrison Thursday, shortly after a North Korean soldier defected across the heavily fortified border just north of the South Korean capital.

In an alert posted later that day on USFK’s Facebook page, officials said a significant number of North Korean propaganda leaflets and CDs had been placed at strategic locations on multiple U.S. military installations in South Korea.  [Stars & Stripes]

You can read more at the link, but I would not be surprised if the propaganda was left by a sympathetic South Korean leftist with base access instead of a North Korean spy.

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Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

My money’s on a KATUSA being the responsible culprit. 😎

7 years ago

5 bucks on the janitor from 121.

7 years ago

It was Mr. Kim, or Mr. Park or Mr.Song!

7 years ago

My money is on base employees who have taken part in anti-US protests in the past.

7 years ago

It wouldn’t seem practical … but is still conceivable that North Korea dropped these from a drone. From a story earlier this year about a crashed North Korean drone discovered in South Korea:

“The unmanned aerial vehicle, was equipped with a SONY digital camera that had hundreds of photographs on it. About 10 of them were aerial shots of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system — more than 100 miles away from the border.”

7 years ago

You would think someone would notice a drone the size of a generator dropping pamphlets. No way the dinky ones at Emart are carrying brochures that far south.

7 years ago

I’m thinking it’s a KATUSA because they’re young and the young can afford to be generally idealistic. As a draftee who lotteried into the KATUSA program and not an old style upper-crust one they generally have less to lose by getting caught. Mr. Kim wants to keep that Custodial job at 121, PFC Kim could give a crap about not getting his token ARCOM. He does a few months in the pokey and is a leftist hero. Let internet fame ensue… 😯

7 years ago

Some people just do things to challenge authority.

It’s illegal to posses and redistribute NK propaganda in SK, but it can be found like street litter after a drop. Collecting some and dumping it somewhere it will get the most attention might be done just ‘4 the lulz.’

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