Satellite Photos Show Chinese Ships Trading Oil Illegally with North Korea

If the Chinese government wanted this illegal activity to be stopped they could easily stop it, but they are clearly turning a blind eye to this illegal activity.  The publication of these satellite photographs is clearly a signal to the Chinese that their bluff is being called after more stringent UN sanctions were passed last week against North Korea:

U.S. reconnaissance satellites have spotted Chinese ships selling oil to North Korean vessels on the West Sea around 30 times since October.

According to South Korean government sources, the satellites have pictured large Chinese and North Korean ships illegally trading in oil in a part of the West Sea closer to China than South Korea.

The satellite pictures even show the names of the ships. A government source said, “We need to focus on the fact that the illicit trade started after a UN Security Council resolution in September drastically capped North Korea’s imports of refined petroleum products.”

The U.S. Treasury Department placed six North Korean shipping and trading companies and 20 of their ships on sanctions list on Nov. 21, when it published spy satellite images taken on Oct. 19 showing a ship named Ryesonggang 1 connected to a Chinese vessel.   [Chosun Ilbo]

You can read more at the link.

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7 years ago

The Red Chinese Communist will not let there useful idiots the North Korean Communist go under.

blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

North Korea is useful to Iran, China, and Russia because Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama drew down our armed forces so they could pay for more people to avoid working.

7 years ago

Yup. How else would those Mercs chaffeur His Fattiness around.

7 years ago

Maybe we can resurrect Adlai Stevenson to bring huge blowups of these photos to an emergency meeting and confront the Chinese about this point blank.

I just don’t see school marm Haley being able to do anything other than bore the shit out of everyone with her mommy lectures. 🙄

7 years ago

I’m pretty certain Trump maneuvered the UN vote in order to show he doesn’t give a damn about what Turkey, Zambia, or even South Korea think about his foreign policy. And I’m pretty certain the Chinese know what smoke signals he is sending…

He has almost completely followed George Washington’s admonition to avoid foreign entanglements…

Which means China or North Korea might start missing ships soon…

7 years ago

From MSN:
Hours after he accused the Chinese of secretly shipping oil to North Korea, Mr. Trump explicitly said for the first time that he has “been soft” on China on trade in the hopes that its leaders will pressure North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

He hinted that his patience may soon end, however, signaling his frustration with the reported oil shipments.

“Oil is going into North Korea. That wasn’t my deal!” he exclaimed, raising the possibility of aggressive trade actions against China. “If they don’t help us with North Korea, then I do what I’ve always said I want to do.”

Despite saying that when he visited China in November, President Xi Jinping “treated me better than anybody’s ever been treated in the history of China,” Mr. Trump said that “they have to help us much more.”

“We have a nuclear menace out there, which is no good for China,” he said.

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