Tweet of the Day: SecDef Recommended Korean War Reading

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7 years ago

I think they should give Cheeto the picture story book version first.

7 years ago

Sore loser, eh? What was it Obama said? Oh, yeah. “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”

Maybe, J6, you should follow Obama’s latest advice and try not to spread division online?

Trump was not the first choice of a lot of folks; but those over 12 just moved on…

7 years ago

Ha ha ha!

The deranged NeverTrumpers misadjusted the video color and called him Cheeto with small hands…

…and he STILL won.

Normal people would take a deep look at themselves and see where they went wrong to loose against an orange pússy-grabbing impulsive stupid racist small-handed incompetent bigot.

…but… no.

The NeverTrumpers have double downed on stupid… pushing the same nonsense that got them Trump… perhaps to get more Trump in some masochistic act of self-hate.

Even now, they cannot attack his policies or his slowly growing list of successes against overwhelming opposition.

…so there is only name-calling… the last tool of those with an empty toolbox.

…and when the name-calling comes out, it is so sweet… as it means victory is total… and the bitter tears of leftists and globalists are flowing.

J6junkie, keep up the pointless Trump insults. You simply twist the Knife of Loss in your own guts… and it is so sweet to watch.

Once you are done hurting yourself, you are welcome to debate policy… if you dare.

7 years ago

I can understand people drinking a glass of the Trump Kool-Aid from time-to-time as well as those who drink it regularly, but people like you can’t wait to mix the stuff and instead snort the powder right from the packet….

7 years ago

ROKmarine, I really want to see America successful in terms of jobs, economy, trade agreements, military victory, etc.

Unlike many past presidents who seem to be more interested in globalism over nationalism, at the expense of those they were elected to represent, Trump seems honestly interested in working toward goals that have long-term benefits for America and Americans.

It is up to the rest of the world to elect leaders to represent their interests.

Trump is a shyster from way back… but now that he is applying that skillset to benefit America and Americans, my logical and practical instincts tell me there is is no reason to complain.

If you disagree, I would be happy to discuss this further.

Perhaps to start, you could mention a few policies you disagree with, and why.

7 years ago

Something about paying fewer taxes, no doubt… Or not being forced by the IRS to buy gummint-sanctioned health insurance?

7 years ago

Setnaffa, Obamacare was a dumpster fire… expanding the behemoth insurance bureaucracy, expanding the behemoth hospital administration bureaucracy, and adding several layers of government bureaucracy.

Congress couldn’t get their act together to kill it… but by removing penalties fir no insurance, it us essentially dead… as healthy people won’t buy insurance… and by this time next year, the insurance industry will be begging to have it repealed.

If everyone is smart, and Trump is on such matters of negotiation, this will be used to leverage a better system.

7 years ago

CH, I am agreeing with you too often these days…

And, with the wife and I both having spent the last two years being far too interesting to various oncologists, I have seen a lot of how gummint regulations are strangling medical care and growing unneeded and mostly unwanted bureaucracies.

There will always be people like Michael Lind who want a bigger centralized government (; but History always views them with contempt. Unfortunately, commies have not had their nose rubbed in it enough to stop soiling the Republic.

May the Lord strengthen the resolve or replace those in the US Congress (and the 50 State legislatures) who lack the spinal fortitude to do what is right.

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