North Korean Defectors Show Signs of Radiation Exposure

Not only is South Korea having diseased defectors arrive, they now have to deal with ones that have radiation exposure as well:

At least four defectors from North Korea have shown signs of radiation exposure, the South Korean government said on Wednesday, although researchers could not confirm if they were was related to Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program.

The four are among 30 former residents of Kilju county, an area in North Korea that includes the nuclear test site Punggye-ri, who have been examined by the South Korean government since October, a month after the North conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, Unification Ministry spokesman Baik Tae-hyun told a news briefing.

They were exposed to radiation between May 2009 and January 2013, and all defected to the South before the most recent test, a researcher at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, which carried out the examinations, told reporters. [Reuters]

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7 years ago

How could something like this happen? I’m sure North Korea has implemented top notch safety procedures for the well being of their citizens. It must be a plot by the white devils of the U.S.!!!

7 years ago

Either that or they discovered you can’t develp antibodies to radiation like you can for anthrax…

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