Picture of the Day: Inter-Korean Birthday Party
|A birthday party takes place for North Korean ice hockey players at the national training center in Jincheon, some 90 kilometers southeast of Seoul, on Jan. 28, 2018, in this photo provided by the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee the next day. South and North Korea have decided to field a joint women’s team for the Feb. 9-25 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. (Yonhap)
Should read, South Korean Women’s hockey team forced to take in nK players by commie pres. Moon. The statement in the caption is very misleading; “South and North Korea have decided to field a joint women’s team”
These Commies are getting the VIP treatment here. The only birthdays that should matter to them are Fatty’s grandpa and filmmaker father.
What a great gesture. Kind of takes the sorry politics out this. I hope these women had a good time.