CBS News reports only 17 FBI employees were available to evaluate tips about potential school shooters. How many are being used in the Russian Collusion witch hunt. How many dead children are required to satisfy the Democrat blood lust?
Oh yeah, and the Russians indicted will never be arrested, tried, convicted, or incarcerated. So add that “success” to the calculation.
CBS News reports only 17 FBI employees were available to evaluate tips about potential school shooters. How many are being used in the Russian Collusion witch hunt. How many dead children are required to satisfy the Democrat blood lust?
Oh yeah, and the Russians indicted will never be arrested, tried, convicted, or incarcerated. So add that “success” to the calculation.
The FBI is too busy sniffing matresses for hooker piss to investigate crime.
These indictments show the investigation has now entered the territory of farce…
…unless the real target is Hillary and company…
…in which case it us an important step.
Interesting article on that very topic: