Ivanka Trump Confirms US’s Maximum Pressure Position on North Korea

As I expected Ivanka Trump continued to communicate the US’s position of maximum pressure on North Korea to President Moon:

Ivanka Trump, daughter of the U.S. President Donald Trump / Yonhap

Ivanka Trump, daughter and adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, reiterated a maximum pressure campaign against North Korea, in a meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Friday.

She said Washington and Seoul “reaffirmed commitment to a maximum pressure campaign to ensure that the Korean Peninsula is denuclearized,” ahead of a dinner hosted by Moon at Cheong Wa Dae.

“We continue to reaffirm our joint values and strategic cooperation as partners and allies,” she said.

Ivanka leads the U.S. delegation which arrived in Seoul earlier in the day, to attend the Games’ closing ceremony on Sunday. The delegation includes Senator James Risch, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Allison Hooker, a National Security Council (NSC) official specializing in Korean affairs.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link, but the article also says she is not expected to meet with the North Korean delegation either.  Outside of the North Korean delegation suddenly saying they are open to denuclearization and ending their ICBM program I don’t see why the US delegation should meet with them?

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7 years ago

If the norks want to negotiate with the UN to finally sign a peace treaty, the US should be present. Otherwise, no dice.

6 years ago

Her clothes are made in China, which supports the NK regime, so…

6 years ago

We still don’t have an official ambassador in South Korea so we do this. 🙄

6 years ago

Her clothes are made in China because the last 30 years of presidents have been helping the multinationals kill American industry and promoting dependence with welfare instead of jobs.

That is changing… as overregulation is being slowly scaled back under Trump… and light manufacturing can return to the States.

…though with robots easily replacing workers, it won’t mean a lot of jobs… and shipping companies are going to feel some pain.

But this is the new economy… fantastically cheap goods… but nobody with money to buy them.

Universal guaranteed income?

6 years ago

Many employers haven’t added employees because sales are down. That is changing as some replace executive leaders and marketing departments with people who know how to move products and services. New sales make it a lot easier to hire new people, if only to maintain the robots. There’s still plenty of money out there; but you have to do more than throw up an “Open” sign.

We all need to step away from being lazy whiners who are jealous of successful people as that makes us losers. We all need to step away from blaming everyone but ourselves for our situation as that makes us losers. We all need to “man up” and take responsibility for what we do with what we’ve got as that makes us winners.

Apologies to those who are triggered by not getting a trophy for simply showing up. I didn’t win any Air Medals for sitting SAC Alert, either.

Like Si Khan wrote:


You must know someone like him – tall and strong and lean
Body like a greyhound and a mind so dark and keen
His heart just like a laurel grew twisted round itself
Till almost everything he did brought pain to someone else

What’s the use of two good legs if you only run away
What’s the use of the finest voice if you’ve nothing good to say
What good is strength and muscle if you only push and shove
And what’s the use of two good ears if you can’t hear those you love

Between those who use their neighbors and those who use a cane
Between those in constant power and those in constant pain
Between those who run to evil and those who cannot run
Tell me which ones are the cripples and which ones touch the sun

It’s not what you’re born with
It’s what you choose to bear
It’s not how big your share is
It’s how much you can share
It’s not the fights you dreamed of
It’s those you really fought
It’s not what you’re given
It’s what you do with what you’ve got


1. Compare and contrast what you do with what you’ve got.
2. Decide on whether you want to be a bitter clinger to whiny loser attitudes or a winner who uses what they have to make the world a better place, even if it isn’t handed to you on a silver platter.
3. Resolve to encourage at least one friend or colleague every week to do the same.

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