New Sanctions Could See US Coast Guard Deployed to Inspect North Korean Ships

Something I have been advocating for, for many years the interdiction and inspection of North Korean ships may finally become a reality:

The United States is imposing a fresh set of sanctions on North Korea – the “largest ever”, President Trump says.

The measures target more than 50 ships and maritime transport companies in North Korea, but also China and Taiwan.

North Korea is already under a range of international and US sanctions over its nuclear programme and missile tests.

But it continued tests last year, including tests of a nuclear weapon and a long-range ballistic missile capable of reaching the US.

The US says the new sanctions are designed to put a further squeeze on North Korea, cutting off sources of revenue and fuel for its nuclear programme and clamping down on evasion of already existing restrictions.  [BBC]

Here is how the US may enforce the inspections:

The Trump administration and key Asian allies are preparing to expand interceptions of ships suspected of violating sanctions on North Korea, a plan that could include deploying U.S. Coast Guard forces to stop and search vessels in Asia-Pacific waters, senior U.S. officials said.  [Reuters]

It will be interesting to see how vigorously these sanctions are enforced by other nations because the US Coast Guard can’t be everywhere at all times to enforce these sanctions.  I fully expect the Chinese government will do what it can to help the Kim regime circumvent the sanctions.  If the sanctions don’t work President Trump says he is ready to implement Phase 2:

Speaking at a new conference on Friday, President Trump warned of serious consequences if the latest round of sanctions did not generate results.

“If the sanctions don’t work we’ll have to go phase two – and phase two may be a very rough thing, may be very, very unfortunate for the world,” he said.

“It really is a rogue nation. If we can make a deal it’ll be a great thing and if we can’t, something will have to happen.”

He did not specify what “phase two” would entail.  [BBC]

Here is what ROK Drop favorite One Free Korea has to say about this news:

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