Ukraine Ballistic Missile Technology Allegedly Smuggled into North Korea

Here is some more reporting that North Korea ballistic missile technology jump apparently came from Ukraine:

When North Korea launched a series of increasingly potent missiles last year, analysts were left scratching their heads. How had the renegade regime’s weapons program advanced so quickly?

The answer may lie more than 4,000 miles away, in eastern Ukraine, according to one nuclear expert.

Michael Elleman is convinced that North Korea’s recent missiles were powered by engines made at a once-buzzing factory in the former Soviet Union.

Elleman, a senior fellow for missile defense at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a think tank, believes that Pyongyang acquired the 1960s Soviet-era missile engine known as the RD-250 within the past two years.

With some slight adjustments, Kim Jong Un’s government used that engine to successfully launch a medium-range missile and two intercontinental ballistic missiles, he says.

In a report published late last year, Elleman suggested that North Korea had procured the high-powered Soviet engines through a network of arms smugglers. He said it was unlikely that the transfer had been sanctioned by the Russian government or even those operating the warehouses and factories.

“These facilities have what we call ‘bone yards’ where you have old engines that are no longer in service that are just stored,” he said. “It’s not surprising that there are dozens that would be available for transfer.”

At about 6.5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, and weighing 800 or 900 pounds, the engines could be boxed and transported like a big motorcycle, Elleman suggested.  [NBC News]

You can read more at the link, but this arguably another unintended consequence of the war and instability allowed to happen in Ukraine.

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7 years ago

If you have a big steamy pile of poo, you don’t stand by, pointing at it saying “this, this ain’t right”, trying to kill all the flies that it attracts, and setting up incense all around it to mask the stench.

You clean up the poo. 🙄

7 years ago

I guess that’s a better answer than them getting it from Emperor Xi or Tsar Putin.

7 years ago

I guess it goes to show that there are evil people all around the world. If only there was a book that talked about that… and a Savior…

7 years ago

“If only there was a book that talked about that… and a Savior”

Art of the Deal?

7 years ago

Well, Cowboy, if thet’s where you roll, go for it…

7 years ago

You know I have nothing but love for you, Setnaffa.

…just clowning ya.

7 years ago

Exactly. But we need to avoid confusing Presidents and Messiahs. We all know how well that works out…

7 years ago


The Black Jesus did not bring his people prosperity?

7 years ago

Apparently everything President Selfie McMom-jeans did for black people with his trusty phone and pen was easy for President Trump to undo with his phone and pen. The only things tough to undo are the open borders allowing in undocumented workers and terrorists. The Clinton- and Obama-appointed judges in certain courts seem to think we need to provide additional unskilled labor to keep black unemployed.

Or something like that.

I recommend 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 for those trying to figure out how to deal with disappointment.

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