I have no idea whether the accusation that the South Korean K-Pop group Red Velvet is pro-Communism or not, but I just find it ironic that these performers are so eager to perform for a man that puts his own people into labor camps for watching South Korean entertainment. The hypocrisy on display is truly incredible:
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, right, talks to Red Velvet members, left, after the Sunday performance at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater. / Yonhap
After the two-hour show at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater starting at 6:30 p.m., Kim met and shook hands with each musician, including four members of Red Velvet. The popular band from SM Entertainment was short of one member ― Joy, also an actress.
SM announced Saturday that she could not travel to the North because she was filming MBC’s TV drama “The Great Seducer,” in which she has a leading role.
Before its Pyongyang visit, the band had stirred controversy, with suggestions by some netizens that the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism had selected the band because it endorsed the North’s communism. Some suggested a parallel between communism’s symbolic color of red, the band’s name and one of its hits, “Red Flavor.”
Kim said after meeting the musicians, “many people had wondered whether I would come to the Sunday performance and watch Red Velvet.” The comment hinted that he knew about the Red Velvet controversy, but he did not elaborate. He said he had planned to watch the North-South joint performance on Tuesday, but had changed his schedule.
The band, the youngest stars among the troupe, performed dance numbers “Red Flavor” and “Bad Boy.”
Joy’s absence had divided fans. Some saw it as unacceptable because despite her busy acting schedule she had joined the band’s Tokyo concert on March 28-29. Fans wondered that if she had performed in Japan why she could not also have found time for Pyongyang.
A South Korean cultural critic said her absence from the North was “an example of the mass-narcissism evident among South Korean celebrities.” [Korea Times]
commie collaboraters….should stay in nK and kiss KJU’s butt daily.
6 years ago
Flyingsword, I believe the thought of that is why they have such “sweet” expressions on their faces… Either that or the buffet gave ’em intestinal parasites…
6 years ago
All this hooha would hold water if KPoop’ers actually have control over what they do when they majority of them do not. The one who abstained from going probably did so knowing that her work as an actress is sufficient to stand up to the rapist that holds her contract at SM and she can still pay the bills.
I think it is all trump’s fault; people get close to north just to spite him
Yuen, all that does is make a war more possible. The only thing preventing an attack on the North is South Korea staying a strong ally…
They’re either Communist or Moonie gave them a big cultural grant for their contributions to peace.
commie collaboraters….should stay in nK and kiss KJU’s butt daily.
Flyingsword, I believe the thought of that is why they have such “sweet” expressions on their faces… Either that or the buffet gave ’em intestinal parasites…
All this hooha would hold water if KPoop’ers actually have control over what they do when they majority of them do not. The one who abstained from going probably did so knowing that her work as an actress is sufficient to stand up to the rapist that holds her contract at SM and she can still pay the bills.