Even if the two servicemembers involved poorly parked their vehicle it is no excuse for the horrible actions these two civilians took:
Judy Tucker is shown in a video attempting to reach past servicemember Stephanie Mitchell.
A 71-year-old woman was arrested after she lunged at and hit a pregnant servicemember at a Cheddar’s in Macon, Ga., police said. Videos of the Saturday incident, which police said was sparked by a disagreement over parking, have drawn millions of views as they spread across social media.
Judy Tucker was arrested on Saturday, charged with simple battery and released a few hours later on $650 bail. According to a Bibb County Sheriff’s Office report, Tucker told police that the incident with servicemembers Stephanie Mitchell and Treasure Sharpe, who are black, “all started because she was white and it was a race issue.” Tucker’s son approached the women when they were backing into a parking space and told them they “should learn how to park” and called them a profane name, the report quoted Mitchell as saying.
Mitchell said that, inside the restaurant, Tucker’s son again called them the profane name and said that they were black lesbians. [Stars & Stripes]
You can read more at the link, but the Tucker’s should be ashamed and embarrassed by their inappropriate and racist comments if the alleged actions are all true.
I see this as an issue of head-first parking privilege.
I’m so tired of you head-first parkers thinking you can just jump into spots all willy nilly with no concerns for safety as you back-out all dangerously!
Show some respect for the community and don’t park head-first, think of the children!
6 years ago
Most of the people who actually fight for parking spots are pro-abortion (especially for black, brown, and poor), so saying “think of the children” just riles ’em up…
I see this as an issue of head-first parking privilege.
I’m so tired of you head-first parkers thinking you can just jump into spots all willy nilly with no concerns for safety as you back-out all dangerously!
Show some respect for the community and don’t park head-first, think of the children!
Most of the people who actually fight for parking spots are pro-abortion (especially for black, brown, and poor), so saying “think of the children” just riles ’em up…
🙁 And what a proud moment for the Tuckers… https://www.cbsnews.com/news/white-woman-charged-after-arguing-with-black-women-over-parking-spot-cheddars-scratch-kitchen/
“I see this as an issue of head-first parking privilege.”
Everyone should fancy park! 🙂