North Korea Agrees to Have Their Time Zone Match South Korea’s

Here is yet another example of something that Kim Jong-un is doing to create the perception that he really wants to have peace on the Korean peninsula:

Clock image via Flickr.

He also agreed to unify the time zones used in South and North Korea, where Seoul is 30 minutes ahead of Pyongyang.

“I feel sad to see that there are two clocks hung on the wall of the Peace House, one for Seoul time and the other for Pyongyang time,” he said. “Since it is us who changed the time standard, we will return to the original one. You can make it public.”  [Yonhap]

Much like with the closing of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, this decision to use the same time zone as South Korea is easily reversible at a time of the Kim regime’s choosing.  They have so far done nothing that is non-reversible and a clear sign of their intent to denuclearize.

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6 years ago

the change in time confused commie moon, got to coordinate the time table when you are selling out your country.

6 years ago

I love how they announced they were changing it from Imperial Japan’s timezone to be freed of the colonial oppression. Now they’re trying to be United and not cause any trouble with the South.

6 years ago

All the more proof that indiscriminately adjusting the clock (i.e., daylight savings) is a farce and communist plot.

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