Tweet of the Day: 12,000 Korean Women Protest Against “Spy Cams”
|Largest ever women's rally protests spy-cam pornography
— KingSejong (@KingSejong) May 20, 2018
Largest ever women's rally protests spy-cam pornography
— KingSejong (@KingSejong) May 20, 2018
They have a legit beef but good luck getting any change enacted, keep trying though. I’m sure those red shirts get a lot of use.
Maybe another candlelight vigil will work.
All they’re missing is a catchy Twitter hashtag…
Those aren’t spy cams.
They are investigation cams.
They are just doing their job… which is actually to protect them.
I also help the FBI with explanations before the IG report is released.
So the FBI was helping Trump win bigly but ignoring “the Russians” (aka the Pakistani IT guys and Seth Rich) “hacking” Hillary and the DNC…
The whole spy cam wave was actually a clever ruse by those who have a thing for images of strong, empowered, protesting women. They just got material for years out of this.
Way to fall right into their trap, ladies.
You win the internets today, Johnnyboy.
But you are wrong.
That was just a second level ruse by those of us who like to see BDSM video on public TV of pervy looking guys in handcuffs being led around by strong men in uniforms with threats to cage them.