Trump-Kim Summit May Still Occur After North Korea Backs Down and Takes Conciliatory Tone to Talks

As I said yesterday, the cancellation of the Trump-Kim summit by President Trump was nothing more than part of the ongoing negotiations.  Well it looks like the Kim regime got the message from the Trump administration that the usual games they played during past negotiations will not be tolerated:

Despite U.S. President Donald Trump cancelling the June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to discuss the regime’s denuclearization, it appears a meeting could take place not too far in the future, as both sides seem willing to engage in dialogue.

North Korea, unlike its usual hard-line stance, expressed regret over the cancellation and said it is open to talks at anytime, so the ball is again in the U.S.’s court.

After Trump’s announcement late Thursday, North Korea stated that it had a “willingness to resolve issues through dialogue, whenever and through whatever means.” The statement was made by North Korea’s First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan, reported by the Korean Central News Agency the following morning.  [Korea Times]

Who can remember a time when the Kim regime has been this conciliatory for talks?  The only time that comes to mind was during the Banco Delta Asia incident where they were desperate to get the millions of dollars frozen by the US Treasury Department back.  The Kim regime played nice until they got what they wanted and then eventually returned to conducting provocations.

It is pretty clear the Trump administration is trying to change this dynamic and the President today is signaling that the summit can still happen if North Korea changes its tone:

U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday his planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un could still take place June 12, after cancelling the summit a day earlier.

“We’re going to see what happens. We’re talking to them right now. It could even be the 12th,” Trump told reporters before departing the White House.  (….)

“Very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from North Korea,” he wrote. “We will soon see where it will lead, hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace. Only time (and talent) will tell!”  [Yonhap]

I guess we will see what happens, but it is good to see the Kim regime for once on the defensive when it comes to negotiations.

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