Druking Confesses That Close Friend of President Moon Authorized Online Opinion Manipulation During Last Election

The power blogger known as “Druking” has now confessed that Democratic Party representative and close friend to President Moon Jae-in approved his plan to manipulate online opinion during the last ROK Presidential election:

Kim Dong-won

The power blogger known as Druking claimed that former Democratic Party Rep. Kim Kyoung-soo approved the use of software to rig “likes” on political comments online to help Moon Jae-in in the presidential campaign of 2017.

“In September 2016, when Kim Kyoung-soo visited my office in Paju, I told him how the winning parties in the 2007 and 2012 presidential elections used a certain program online to manipulate public opinion,” the blogger, a 49-year-old man named Kim Dong-won, wrote in a letter dated Thursday, according to the Chosun Ilbo on Friday. “So in October of that year, I briefed Rep. Kim about the so-called ‘King Crab’ program in my office.”

Druking is charged with obstruction of business, a punishable crime in Korea. Three of his associates face the same charge over their use of software to manipulate comments on Naver, a portal that many Koreans use to access news.

Prosecutors said the software allowed the group to automatically log in and out of individual members’ accounts and change their IP addresses. The group said it used the Amazon Web Services platform to develop the software.

“Kim was briefed about the program and confirmed in person how the program works,” the blogger wrote. “I told him, ‘If we do not use the program we will lose in the election again. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility and go to jail. But we cannot do this without your consent or agreement. So will you give your consent, even just by a nod, if you cannot say anything?’

“And Kim nodded, so I told him, ‘We will go ahead with this plan,’” the blogger wrote. “Leaving the office, Kim said, ‘Why did you have to show me this? You should have just carried it out as you saw fit.’ And I told him, ‘We will take care of it as if you had not seen it.’”  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

Here is what caused the falling out between Druking’s group and the Democrat Party:

The blogger wrote, “We tried really hard to help Moon during the election so we asked Kim around February [2017] to include two of our associates in the election policy committee of the Democratic Party, and one did make it on, but the other did not.

“So after the election we asked Kim if the associate could be recommended as the next Korean ambassador to Japan, but Kim said he couldn’t make the recommendation,” the blogger wrote. “Then he called me on Dec. 28, 2017, to ask, ‘What do you think about the job as consul general in Sendai?’

“Sendai was a place that diplomats did not like to go because it’s close to Fukushima, where they had the nuclear disaster,” the blogger wrote. “I felt like Kim was making a fool of me. So I denied the offer.”

You can read more at the link, because there was some bribery allegedly involved as well.  Since Druking turned on President Moon to use his software to attack him I fully expect he will feel the full weight of the ROK justice system.  For Representative Kim Kyoung-soo I would be surprised if anything happens to him since I doubt the Moon administration will put any pressure on prosecutors to investigate him.

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6 years ago

why isn’t commie moon being held in prison now?!?! Strip of his passport and throw in in prison, just like they did to President Pak. Unlike Pak there is a real crime here, not some fabricated BS.

6 years ago

There’s no Sewol disaster to pin on Moon.

6 years ago

What, no, every accidental death that happened since commie moon took power are his fault. He did nothing to stop them….following the Sewol thinking.

6 years ago

Captain Communist should have been everywhere. Fighting fires and preventing earthquakes!

6 years ago

That’s using the enemy’s tools. That’s not the right path for us.

“Those who play with the devil’s toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword.” (attributed to Thomas Fuller)

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