It looks like Kim Jong-un is getting his next marching orders from Chinese Emperor President Xi:
A vehicle forming part of the convoy believed to be that of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is seen in Beijing June 19, 2018, in this still image taken from Reuters TV footage.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has touched down in Beijing, marking his third visit to China in as many months.
In a rare move, Chinese state media have already confirmed Kim is visiting from June 19 to 20. Kim’s arrival in Beijing, just one week after his summit with US President Donald Trump in Singapore, signifies the importance North Korea is placing on its close neighbor and historic ally.
The North Korean leader touched down on Tuesday morning with reporters spotting Kim’s $1 million armored Mercedes at the airport before a motorcade entered Beijing’s streets.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also visited Beijing last week during which China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke of “the importance of China being a constructive participant in the next steps.” [Business Insider]
You can read more at the link, but something else to keep in mind is that Kim Jong-un must be feeling very secure at home considering the amount of trips he has been taken outside of the country.
I guarantee you the Red Chinese Communist are leading the way for the young and broke dictator. He has no choice but to follow the instructions of the Communist Chinese. And Moon and Trump May be falling into the trap.
6 years ago
Trump may be falling into a Emperor Xi, boy prince KJU, and commie Moon trap. Commie moon in league with china and nk to unfurl the red banner above South Korea and enslave the population with the glories that communism brings.
Emperor Xi is going to give him a gold star.
I guarantee you the Red Chinese Communist are leading the way for the young and broke dictator. He has no choice but to follow the instructions of the Communist Chinese. And Moon and Trump May be falling into the trap.
Trump may be falling into a Emperor Xi, boy prince KJU, and commie Moon trap. Commie moon in league with china and nk to unfurl the red banner above South Korea and enslave the population with the glories that communism brings.