Number of Asian-American US Military Officers Grows by 28% in Past 12 Years

Via a reader tip comes news of another example of how Asian-Americans continue to grow in importance in American society:

The growth of the Asian-American community since the turn of the century has been reflected in all professional and social areas of life in the U.S., not least the armed forces.

In recent years, Americans of Asian background have been signing up for the military in growing numbers, and, in 2016, they were 28% more likely to be among the officer ranks than they were 12 years earlier.

The change was more pronounced in certain branches of the military than others. The number of Asian-American officers in the army, for example, grew by 41%. That compares with growth of just 4% for ethnic minorities overall and a 3.1% decline among African Americans.  [Nikkei Asian Review]

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