ROK Drop Open Thread – September 08, 2018

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6 years ago

Sin is a cruel master. Having control of someone’s money includes the temptation to misuse it. Some people, especially in government, fail to see misuse as theft. Others actively seek opportunities.

As John Owen wrote: “Temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction.”

6 years ago

It makes me appreciate the trust that many here placed in me when I asked for donations for a relative. I won’t ever forget it. Some of the best people I’ve never actually met post right here regularly and I am glad to be able to occasionally keep company and have discussions with you.

6 years ago

Something else that periodically chafes my sense of right and wrong…

How does someone get to be an Air Force four-star General and receive “a chest full of medals” by being a student, scientist, bureaucrat, and REMF? Granted the woman is smarter than I’ll ever be, given how she got the Government to fund her career and make her a millionaire; but how did we get to this point?



Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

SeTNafFa, Ike had tons of resentment from other career Officers for his success.

6 years ago

Ike also had warfighter experience. He was not just a guy who worked in a lab and got promoted by his gender, politics, and time in service. 😉

Not saying that ever happens, mind you; but being an Air Force general should probably include commanding a squadron of fighters, bombers, or missiles, not just academics. Especially since, in some cases, those stars get traded in for a cushy boardroom with the company that sells technology to the command the General just left. The taxpayers should get paid for Generals who showed they were willing to risk their lives on the battlefield, not just gifted bureaucrats and slick politicians.

6 years ago

” Granted the woman is smarter than I’ll ever be,”

Don’t be so sure.
I know the woman who would likely be in charge of the Space Force…which makes me not want a Space force, as awesome as the name sounds. She just made General, and she shouldn’t have made Captain. Aerospace engineer…I was in her Materials engineering class and I can tell you how she passed with a D I think (fwiw, I set the curve on the comprehensive final in that class. Back then they used SS numbers and displayed all the grades, so I knew exactly how dumb she is…as well as being a horrible person in general. Just sayin’). I’m sure she looks “smart” on paper too. Not that this woman is necessarily that type of moron. I don’t know. Point is, you never know. A man in the same spot would’ve been riffed long ago.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
6 years ago

Two comments: First she doesn’t have a chest full of medals. She has 15, I’ve got 9 from 8 years of service and could have had several more had I stayed longer on AD. Second how does one get 4 stars, having never set foot outside CONUS? I understand that the AF is not like the other services, but I thought even the corporation required some sort of OCONUS service for flag ranks…

6 years ago

Commie moon persecuting more business leader in pursuit of his communist dream land.
Samsung needs to pull complete out of Korea.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

How ironical. Liz defends a Male General to her last breath, but attacks a Female General viciously. “Drain the Swamp!”

6 years ago

GI, I won’t say more about that one (I could say a great deal more…she got two of her squadron commanders fired when she was a subordinate, and their marriages ended too). I will say that the higher one advances the more pedigree is a player in promotion. Pedigree means filling the squares and getting below the zone earlier in one’s career.
That said, there are a fair number of really, REALLY great Generals right now. Which (as I said in the other thread) is pretty surprising the way things have been. I know a couple of really great female commanders (Colonels) right now and I hope they make General.

6 years ago

[more Liz morning blab (you’re welcome)]
There are two main metrics that should be used to determine the effectiveness of a Wing commander: 1) Operational effectiveness 2) Retention
Currently near of those metrics matter much in the promotion process. They don’t even measure the second one, strangely….they measure it for the total USAF (it’s around 50 percent reenlistment currently), but it’s not obligatory by base or Wing.
The first measures the job the commander is doing, the second would measure the environment he/she is creating. Of course, it’s not a “pure” measurement because retention is impacted by economics (jobs on the outside=lower retention rates), and a lot of things impact effectiveness too. But overall it’s kind of like a coach. A good coach will get better results…ultimately, it’s up to the team and some other variables [/the blab has ended]

6 years ago

“That rainbow song’s no good. Take it out.”

– MGM Executive Memo after first showing of The Wizard of Oz

6 years ago

GI, young people without supervision act exactly as their parents trained them.

Those young “men” acted amorally because their parents trained them to live for their lusts.

That’s why the death toll in America’s inner cities–even discounting the millions of babies vivisected from their mothers’ wombs–is enough to make anyone cry.

JRR Tolkein, in The Two Towers, captured exactly how we should act:
Theoden: So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?
Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them… for your people.

Read Ephesians 6:10-20, get strong, put on the armor, and pray. Our fight is not against the misguided, rather the powers that cultivate “The Lord of the Flies” environment they’re in.

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