Picture of the Day: Korean-American Participates in Incheon Landing Commemoration
|Hanna Kim, a Korean-American, lays flowers at a monument built in Incheon, west of Seoul, on Sept. 15, 2018, to commemorate the successful Incheon landing operation led by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, then commander of the U.S.-led U.N. forces during the Korean War. She and other young Korean-Americans launched the “Remember 727” project in which the numbers indicate the month and day when the war ended. This photo was provided by Kim (Yonhap)
Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?
I guess commie moon did not attend?
@Flyingsword, I am not sure if Moon attended any commemoration event, though I did search and found nothing. My assumption is that he did not.
He was too busying preparing the Inter-Korean moneybags.