This is pretty significant that a foreign country is willing to defend US soil with one of their missile defense systems:
Cmdr. Axel Steiner of Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System Romania gives a tour to members from the Japanese Diet, July 31, 2018.
Japan will legally be able to use planned Aegis Ashore systems to intercept North Korean missiles launched toward Guam, a top government official said this week.
A pacifist constitution bans Japan from stepping in to defend other nations unless it was also being attacked; however, security legislation passed in 2015 allows the country to exercise its right to collective defense and to defend close allies when attacked — under certain conditions. [Stars and Stripes]
You can read more at the link, but also keep in mind that Japan is home to two AN/TPY-2 radar sites operated by US soldiers that are also used to detect ballistic missiles launch from North Korea as part of the US homeland defense architecture. Clearly Japan is a great ally in regards to protecting US citizens from ballistic missile attack.
I think it points out that Japan recognizes the value of our relationship, even while South Korea plays handmaid to the Norks and ChiComs… Neither totalitarian state being less brutal than they were in the early 1950s…
6 years ago
Our true and only allies in NE Asia. Commie Moon would send us packing before using SK weaponry to defend American soil.
I think it points out that Japan recognizes the value of our relationship, even while South Korea plays handmaid to the Norks and ChiComs… Neither totalitarian state being less brutal than they were in the early 1950s…
Our true and only allies in NE Asia. Commie Moon would send us packing before using SK weaponry to defend American soil.