Personally I will believe a dawn of a new day has begun when North Korea’s nuclear material is being shipped out of the country. I really do hope that happens, but I remain skeptical:
This AFP file photo shows U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Yonhap)
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday hailed the “dawn of a new day” with North Korea as the U.S. pushes diplomacy to denuclearize the regime.
Chairing a meeting of the United Nations Security Council in New York, Pompeo sounded a hopeful note on the diplomatic negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang.
But he also called for strict enforcement of all U.N. Security Council sanctions on Pyongyang until denuclearization is achieved.
“Past diplomatic attempts to halt North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile development were unsuccessful,” Pompeo said. “But now we’re at the dawn of a new day.” [Yonhap]
You can read more at the link, but despite all the flowery language, Secretary Pompeo is continuing to emphasize keeping the sanctions in place on the Kim regime.
Pompeo is a great SecState. He says nice things while negotiating and doesn’t appear inclined to give up the store.