President Moon Calls for an End to the Korean War By Year’s End

It is pretty clear that President Moon and Kim Jong-un are going to be putting a full court press on President Trump to declare an end to the Korean War this year:

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said his goal is to make “irreversible progress by the end of the year” toward denuclearization and a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula in an interview on Friday.

A tangible step in that direction would be a formal declaration to end the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended with an armistice agreement, not a peace treaty, Moon told Indonesia’s Kompas newspaper in a written interview published two days after his special envoy returned from a trip to Pyongyang and met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The interview came ahead of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s three-day state visit to Seoul kicking off Monday.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read more at the link, but I expect a lot of flattery and pretend denuclearization concessions from the North Koreans to get him to agree to end the Korean War.  Kim is probably hoping that Trump will go along with the pretend denuclearization strategy as way to boost poll numbers prior to the mid-term elections in the US.  We should see over the next couple of months if pretend denuclearization will be what Trump decides to do.

So why are President Moon and Kim Jong-un so intent on end the Korean War?  That is because once the war is officially ended this then challenges the legitimacy of the US-ROK alliance.  If there is no longer hostilities between the two Koreas then why does the US military need to be there?

I believe that President Moon is too smart to advocate against keeping USFK in Korea post-peace treaty because that will mobilize the conservative opposition against him.  However, Moon can use his surrogates to make life difficult for USFK to where the Trump administration could decide to withdraw on its own.  This gets Moon and his left wing base in South Korea what they ultimately want, USFK withdrawal without getting blamed for it.

With the end of the US-ROK alliance Moon and Kim can move forward with their confederation idea which will essentially lead to unification on North Korean terms.

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6 years ago

Commie Moon trying to make history as Korea’s number 1 traitor.

6 years ago

nK’s number one agent, commie moon. A peace agreement brings an end to the UNC and the support structure needed to defend South Korea. This is not only in South Korea but UNC rear bases in Japan. No UNC means Japan is under no obligation to allow the use of their bases to launch strikes from or for supplies to flow thru. It will spell the end for freedom in South Korea.

6 years ago

Freedom died when President Park was candlelit out of office.

6 years ago

J6JUNKIE, Moon will be in jail for treason and corruption when he’s out of power. This is not some outrageous prediction. It’s the norm and the pattern.

2ID Doc
6 years ago

AppeasingNorthKorea, there won’t be a prison when he is forced out of office. He will either be inducted into the Commie elite or tossed in a gulag with every other leader in South Korea, especially the conservative anti-Nork crowd. All you have to do is look at Vietnam 1976. The Seventh Fleet will once again be picking up boat people from Korea.

6 years ago

Either way, Moon will get what he deserves. I vote for an intense reeducation program near the Chinese border.

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