Picture of the Day: Inter-Korean Magician
|This photo belatedly released by the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae on Oct. 2, 2018, shows South Korean magician Choi Hyun-woo (L) performing with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during an inter-Korean summit dinner at the North’s state banquet hall in Pyongyang on Sept. 18. (Yonhap)
Someday all of them are going to get their just desserts for shitting on the lives of millions of poor innocent North Koreans. Disgusting trash people. 👿 ❗
Any guesses as to why there are 5 doves on the left and 4 on the right? Perhaps to signify China gets one but Japan doesn’t?
I see Inter-Korean clowns…
The inter-korean jester is second from the left.
Maybe Moon’s plan is to show the Norks the wealth of South Korea and reason him into changing. Naive people, often called Liberals by the media, do that type of mental gymnastics. It’s always a variation of “That rabid dog just needs love to make him stop biting children.”
Some examples:
–Neville Chamberlain, 1938: “Germany only wants the Sudetenland, not all of the world.”
–Marie Harf, 2015: “ISIS terrorists just need jobs.”
–ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, WaPo, NYT, 538, etc., 2016 “Trump has no path to 270”
In fact, it is much better to remember the words of Fred Schwarz who, in 1961, wrote You Can Trust The Communists (to be Communists).