I really don’t have a firm opinion yet on the new Army Combat Fitness Test, but I doubt being able to do deadlifts would have done anything to help Task Force Smith during the Korean War:
General Mark Milley
While the Army’s new gender- and age-neutral combat fitness test is hard, soldiers should have time to train for it before it becomes mandatory on Oct. 1, 2020, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said Monday.
“If you can’t get in shape in 24 months, then maybe you should hit the road,” Milley said at the Association of the United States Army’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. “Maybe you should consider an alternative to this.”
During the 50-minute test, soldiers must complete a strength deadlift; throw a medicine ball over their head; do a set of pushups, during which they lift their hands off the ground after each pushup; complete a 250-meter “sprint, drag, carry” event; and finally run 2 miles. The Army is refining the standards for each event, which are based on whether a soldier’s military occupational specialty involves a “moderate,” “significant,” or “heavy” amount of physical exertion.
Task & Purpose asked Milley on Monday if the Army could end up losing older soldiers, who are unable to perform as well as younger ones on the combat fitness test.
“We don’t want to lose thousands of soldiers,” Milley said. “This fitness test is hard and no one should be under any illusions about it. But where we really don’t want to lose soldiers is on the battlefield. We don’t want young men and women killed in action because they weren’t fit.”
Many of the first soldiers sent to the Korean peninsula in 1950 were not physically prepared to fight a war in the hilly terrain, leading “countless numbers” of them to be killed as a result, Milley said. [Task and Purpose]
You can read more at the link, but there was many factors that led to what happened in the early months of the Korean War and not being able to do leg tucks was not one of them. For example being a able to throw a medicine ball at T-34 tanks would not have done much good when their bazookas and 105mm artillery could not even stop them.
Anyway here is my favorite part from the interview with General Milley:
“And there’s nothing like it. Ground combat is unbelievable. Go look at those kids, who are walking up and down the hills of Afghanistan. My dad at the beaches of Iwo Jima went 19 consecutive days without eating in some of the most brutal combat in military history. Combat is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for the weak-kneed.”
While the combat fitness test represents “a bit of a culture shock” for the Army that is sure to draw plenty of complaints, Milley said he expects the vast majority of soldiers to rise to the challenge.
“We’ve got to get this Army hard,” Milley said. “We’ve got to get it hard fast.”
Is that going to be the new Army recruiting slogan, ” Get Army Hard”? 😉
Any physical training program would have helped, seeing the first troops in came out of occupation duty in Japan where training and standards were very lax. Rest of the army wasn’t much better…
I see this as a return to the garrison army mentality. “Someone else” is fighting in the Middle East and Afghanistan but it’s not you…go paint all those green rocks white and tomorrow we have a full layout inspection; oh and I couldn’t bounce a challenge coin off your bed this morning….
Ole Tanker
6 years ago
They need to call it, “The everyone’s Infantry PT Test!” The Army has out done itself in the “Keep it Simple, Stupid”, zone. All we need are Infantry, f%ck the rest. And Guaranteed 100% VA whenever they get out.
6 years ago
Considering his father’s feat on Iwo Jima, maybe being able to fight while extreme fasting should be added to the test.
6 years ago
GI, nothing could have helped Task Force Smith except fielding it with an entire RCT instead of 2.5 rifle companies with obsolete equipment and 6 gun tubes without the right ammo to stop T-34s.
Many of you had at least one parent who told you something like: “If you have the time to do it over, you have the time to do it right the first time.”
American political leaders seem bound and determined to ignore that kind of advice.
Extra Credit reading: Rudyard Kipling, “Danegeld” and “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”. Prizes to be awarded based on brevity, creativity, eloquence, and lack of haikus in your analysis of the two poems, the Korean War, and our current situation.
GI, you can, I assume, see our email addresses and handle any intercessory transactions (for a small carrying charge, of course) to keep us anonymous from each other.
No, the prizes won’t be expired Taco Bell coupons.
6 years ago
Links to the copy I’m using as a standard are as follows:
If only we had equipped the ROK Army with something heavier than a 60mm Mortar after WW2, things would have gone differently. Task Force Smith no heavy weapons!. So, today we want to save a buck, and make all these light Units, Infantry and Strikers. can you name one, 1, one, ONE War? the Infantry have won for us lately, like in the last 70 years? NOOOOOOOO! And a new PT test is going to make it better? The Army peaked under Reagan and Bush, the Cold War, and Desert Storm, never the same again.
6 years ago
OT, we were afraid Rhee Syngman would take any weapons we gave him and attack the norks.
Also, there really weren’t more than a couple platoons of tanks capable of taking on the Norks in the Western Pacific.
6 years ago
Having said that, everything you stated is factually correct.
Any physical training program would have helped, seeing the first troops in came out of occupation duty in Japan where training and standards were very lax. Rest of the army wasn’t much better…
I see this as a return to the garrison army mentality. “Someone else” is fighting in the Middle East and Afghanistan but it’s not you…go paint all those green rocks white and tomorrow we have a full layout inspection; oh and I couldn’t bounce a challenge coin off your bed this morning….
They need to call it, “The everyone’s Infantry PT Test!” The Army has out done itself in the “Keep it Simple, Stupid”, zone. All we need are Infantry, f%ck the rest. And Guaranteed 100% VA whenever they get out.
Considering his father’s feat on Iwo Jima, maybe being able to fight while extreme fasting should be added to the test.
GI, nothing could have helped Task Force Smith except fielding it with an entire RCT instead of 2.5 rifle companies with obsolete equipment and 6 gun tubes without the right ammo to stop T-34s.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34#Korean_War_(1950%E2%80%931953)
US Army: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a381834.pdf
Many of you had at least one parent who told you something like: “If you have the time to do it over, you have the time to do it right the first time.”
American political leaders seem bound and determined to ignore that kind of advice.
Extra Credit reading: Rudyard Kipling, “Danegeld” and “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”. Prizes to be awarded based on brevity, creativity, eloquence, and lack of haikus in your analysis of the two poems, the Korean War, and our current situation.
GI, you can, I assume, see our email addresses and handle any intercessory transactions (for a small carrying charge, of course) to keep us anonymous from each other.
No, the prizes won’t be expired Taco Bell coupons.
Links to the copy I’m using as a standard are as follows:
A. Danegeld:
B. The Gods of the Copybook Headings:
If only we had equipped the ROK Army with something heavier than a 60mm Mortar after WW2, things would have gone differently. Task Force Smith no heavy weapons!. So, today we want to save a buck, and make all these light Units, Infantry and Strikers. can you name one, 1, one, ONE War? the Infantry have won for us lately, like in the last 70 years? NOOOOOOOO! And a new PT test is going to make it better? The Army peaked under Reagan and Bush, the Cold War, and Desert Storm, never the same again.
OT, we were afraid Rhee Syngman would take any weapons we gave him and attack the norks.
Also, there really weren’t more than a couple platoons of tanks capable of taking on the Norks in the Western Pacific.
Having said that, everything you stated is factually correct.