Another year and yet another article claiming the at Filipinas working in bars in South Korea were tricked into working there. In today’s age of the Internet a simple Google search can inform Filipinas what they are potentially signing up for by applying for one of these visas. What is ironic this article from the Korea Times is very similar to one written in 2012 by the Korea Times and they are still saying these girls don’t know what they are getting into coming to South Korea on these visas:
A Durebang agent talks with women in prostitution at a juice bar in an entertainment district near USFK Camp Casey in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province. Courtesy of Durebang
Bargirls, mostly Filipinas, working in the entertainment district near United States Forces Korea’s Camp Casey in Dongducheon hardly go a day without alcohol. With bars opening after 6 p.m. and not closing until the last patrons leave, usually in the early morning, the girls treat customers to whatever they want ― from canoodling and lap dancing to oral sex. Some customers suggest heading out for the night-off, which is not so good for the girls, but good for the bar owners because a customer must pay a bar fine to take out a bargirl.
These migrant women’s desperate business depends on about 2,000 soldiers from the camp, about 60 kilometers north of Seoul. The soldiers’ curfew is 11:30 p.m., previously 1:00 a.m. When they return to camp, migrant workers replace them, but there are not so many.
Job agencies have told the bargirls, working with a Hotel and Adult Entertainment Visa, or E-6-2 visa, they would find work as singers, with most of the girls unaware they would end up in red light bars.
“There are about 200 foreigners in prostitution working at some 70 clubs in Dongducheon,” Joyce Kim from Durebang, a NGO dedicated to helping bargirls working near USFK camps, told The Korea Times. Having watched over the migrants for more than five years, she said bargirls, some of whom are Russians, live above the bars with only one day off every month. The visa allows them to stay in Korea for two years if they do not quit and keep their working contracts valid.
The bars are owned and managed by Koreans, who do not hesitate to threaten the girls and push them to earn more money, forcing them to work through until as late as 10 a.m. This affects their girls’ health, including their menstruation cycle.
Bargirls are paid based on a monthly quota. All Dongducheon bars use this system, which requires the bargirls to collect 300-350 points every two weeks.
“Otherwise the bar owners cannot earn enough,” Kim said. “Owners use points to humiliate the girls with poor sales records by comparing them to girls who earn more points.”
The system works like this: a $10 glass of “juice” that a girl sells to patrons is worth one point. To complete the quota, each girl must sell $3,000-$3,500 worth of juice in two weeks. If girls reach their quota, they get paid a bonus called “drink back” worth around $300-$350 in addition to their regular monthly wage of 400,000 won ($354). [Korea Times]
You can read more at the link, but every USFK soldier knows that participating in prostitution is illegal and has extreme consequences if caught. This is not a USFK problem, this is a South Korea problem. If South Korea really wants to stop the human trafficking of Filipinas they should just end the entertainment visas for them.
wow, if they are working the TDC ville they better have a second job at a factory. This is obviously a remanufactured story as the TDC ville for all practical purposes is a ghost town.
6 years ago
So there are 200 workers for 2000 soldiers?
If a third of the soldiers are working and a third are sleeping, that leaves 667 to go out.
Fourteen percent are women so that leaves 573 to go out.
Open gays account for 5.1% giving us 544.
Another 3% are closeted, leaving 528.
About .45% of the Army is Muslim, so that takes away another 3, leaving 525.
…so 2.6 soldiers per juicy?
There is a good chance to do some serious canoodling.
6 years ago
Room salons, one supposes, no longer exist. Nor “those” barber shops, “those” little places by every bus and train station, and “those” delivery girls from the coffee shops…
Or is it just waygook men they hate? I notice they mention “The bars are owned and managed by Koreans” but criticize only the customers, who are primarily lonely young GIs who haven’t been read “the rules” yet. I see this as a failure of the Senior NCOs in their units.
While their may indeed be some bar girl somewhere with a heart of gold, it’d easier to find an anti-abortion Democrat Senator from California. Humans are the same in Dongducheon as they are in Houston, Madrid, Moscow, and Chitral. Not all of them are nice. Some of them love money more than they love you (I know, right?). And many of them already know how to play the victim card.
6 years ago
“While their may” should be “While there may”… I still need that edit button to get past my poor typing skills…
6 years ago
Those little hookers know what they know why they went to Korea.
6 years ago
Doug, came to Korea on a fishing expedition. Hoping to hook and land there very own GI Joe fish.
I suspect these groups hammer in this despite the larger scope of prostitution in the RoK so they can make themselves feel better without singling their own countrymen.
A mere 3 – 5 blocks south of Casey was (probably still is) a standard block of red light shops with the typical laughable police station within earshot. Why don’t they go down there and get their Durebang on?
Canoodling? Who TF writes this crap?
6 years ago
The above post from Flyingsword is correct. TDC is a ghost town, and has been for a while now. Back in its hay-day, TDC was rightfully known as “Touch-Down City”. But now, the Ville is mostly deserted. This article is full of baseless facts aimed at stirring resentment towards GIs.
Anyone know if Stanley is still open? There’s a fine example of wasted efforts on and off base pushed through with willful ignorance of what was to come.
6 years ago
Camp Stanley is closed. It was handed over last year.
6 years ago
Correction. I believe Stanley was offically turned over to the Ministry of the Interior this year.
Nicholas Deliapostalou
4 years ago
Wow I guess things have changed since 1971…DDC was one of the largest prostitution centers in the WORLD …there were thousands of girls then.
wow, if they are working the TDC ville they better have a second job at a factory. This is obviously a remanufactured story as the TDC ville for all practical purposes is a ghost town.
So there are 200 workers for 2000 soldiers?
If a third of the soldiers are working and a third are sleeping, that leaves 667 to go out.
Fourteen percent are women so that leaves 573 to go out.
Open gays account for 5.1% giving us 544.
Another 3% are closeted, leaving 528.
About .45% of the Army is Muslim, so that takes away another 3, leaving 525.
…so 2.6 soldiers per juicy?
There is a good chance to do some serious canoodling.
Room salons, one supposes, no longer exist. Nor “those” barber shops, “those” little places by every bus and train station, and “those” delivery girls from the coffee shops…
Or is it just waygook men they hate? I notice they mention “The bars are owned and managed by Koreans” but criticize only the customers, who are primarily lonely young GIs who haven’t been read “the rules” yet. I see this as a failure of the Senior NCOs in their units.
While their may indeed be some bar girl somewhere with a heart of gold, it’d easier to find an anti-abortion Democrat Senator from California. Humans are the same in Dongducheon as they are in Houston, Madrid, Moscow, and Chitral. Not all of them are nice. Some of them love money more than they love you (I know, right?). And many of them already know how to play the victim card.
“While their may” should be “While there may”… I still need that edit button to get past my poor typing skills…
Those little hookers know what they know why they went to Korea.
Doug, came to Korea on a fishing expedition. Hoping to hook and land there very own GI Joe fish.
I suspect these groups hammer in this despite the larger scope of prostitution in the RoK so they can make themselves feel better without singling their own countrymen.
A mere 3 – 5 blocks south of Casey was (probably still is) a standard block of red light shops with the typical laughable police station within earshot. Why don’t they go down there and get their Durebang on?
Canoodling? Who TF writes this crap?
The above post from Flyingsword is correct. TDC is a ghost town, and has been for a while now. Back in its hay-day, TDC was rightfully known as “Touch-Down City”. But now, the Ville is mostly deserted. This article is full of baseless facts aimed at stirring resentment towards GIs.
Anyone know if Stanley is still open? There’s a fine example of wasted efforts on and off base pushed through with willful ignorance of what was to come.
Camp Stanley is closed. It was handed over last year.
Correction. I believe Stanley was offically turned over to the Ministry of the Interior this year.
Wow I guess things have changed since 1971…DDC was one of the largest prostitution centers in the WORLD …there were thousands of girls then.