South and North Korea Prepare to Conduct Railway Inspection

It appears the UNC is on board with letting this happen:

This photo, provided by South Korea’s unification ministry on July 24, 2018, shows officials from the two Koreas checking the North Korean side of the western Gyeongui railway. (Yonhap)

South and North Korea are likely to start their joint on-site inspection as early as this week for a project to modernize and re-link railways across their border, government officials said Sunday.

At high-level talks last week, the two Koreas agreed to begin field surveys of the western Gyeongui railway in late October and the Donghae railway along their east coast in November.

“The Koreas are known to be discussing ways to conduct the inspection (on the North section) of the Gyeongui line starting late this week,” a government official said.

“The schedule is flexible, depending on consultations between the government and the United Nations Command (UNC) over the passage of the Military Demarcation Line,” he added.

In August, the Koreas failed to carry out a joint railway field survey as the U.S.-led UNC did not approve the plan, citing “procedural” problems, a move widely seen as U.S. objection to the inter-Korean railway project on the basis that it might hamper sanctions.  “As far as I’m concerned, Seoul’s consultations with Pyongyang as well as the UNC are smoothly under way,” the official said.  [Yonhap]

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5 years ago

Typical the gov’t official wasn’t named, but used the most non-obligatory language only government workers are fluent in.

“The schedule is flexible, depending on consultations between the government and the United Nations Command (UNC) over the passage of the Military Demarcation Line,”

“As far as I’m concerned, Seoul’s consultations with Pyongyang as well as the UNC are smoothly under way,”

5 years ago

South Korea is lost. commies have won, the US has wasted @73 trying to help South Korea. Sad

5 years ago

Moon wants to send Fatty a KTX for Christmas.

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