Tweet of the Day: Schadenfreude?

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6 years ago

All I can do is shake my head. I’m not surprised by Moon and his men so I won’t bother to go there, but damn… this is what makes me angrier with this US administration.

“Pence says 2nd summit will lay ground to denuke NK”

What message does this send to South Korean citizens who have been watching Moon’s party wreck South Korea’s national security, and then see the US endorse these people, legitimizing South Korea’s North Korea policy? The US has once again, come to the rescue for Moon. How many times is the US going to throw a life jacket at Moon? God dam* it!

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
6 years ago

I’m starting to think Trump is so desperate to get a Nobel Peace Prize he will throw anyone or any country under the bus to get it. He doesn’t care about South Korea Moon or the men and women in JSA. All he cares about is having a Nobel Prize and stating he “earned” it. The giant crater that was the Korean Peninsula will not matter.

6 years ago

How exactly will Trump be awarded a Peace Prize over “the giant crater that was the Korean Peninsula”?

Your complaint is contradictory.

Doc, better draw a blood sample and check for Trump Derangement Syndrome

6 years ago

Like CH said…

Trump is willing to make deals; but he doesn’t accept folks who cheat at all… He can’t do anything about Moon, so he basically ignores him (he’s irrelevant to the negotiations anyway). The important thing for Koreans to remember is that Fatty III promised in writing to denuke.

And Trump knows how to deal with Breach of Contract.
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