Report Claims that China is Not Committed to North Korea’s Denuclearization

This report shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that regularly reads the ROK Drop:

China isn’t as committed to North Korea’s denuclearization as Washington or Seoul and aims to weaken the South Korea-U.S. alliance, according to an annual report on the U.S.-China economic and security relationship submitted to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday.

Beijing also appears to have already relaxed its enforcement of sanctions on North Korea, “undermining the U.S. ‘maximum pressure’ campaign,” according to the extensive report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

The report, which also outlined China’s North Korea strategy, stressed that the “timeline for cutting sanctions is perhaps the most prominent process issue.” It added that “harmonizing the timeline and sequencing for implementing a comprehensive agreement” will be a priority for negotiators.

U.S. officials prefer “speedy steps toward ending North Korea’s nuclear and long-range missile programs, with the bulk of actions from Pyongyang coming up front before sanctions relief” and have some “potential for flexibility,” according to the report. In turn, China has pushed for a “phased and synchronous” approach, with reciprocal actions from each side.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read more at the link, but what this report has wrong is that I believe it is arguable whether South Korea is committed to North Korea’s denuclearization as well.  The fact that the Moon administration has been pushing for the dropping of sanctions for little to nothing in return from North Korea is evidence of this.

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6 years ago

I hope Koreans will denuke, democratize political system and unite into single country, but this will happen on their own accord without interference of third sided or anybody who manipulated them before – China, Japan, Russia, US, capitalists, bankers, corporativists, anarchists, militarists, commies, left right, fuck them all.

6 years ago

None of them want to swap body fluids with you.

6 years ago

Instead they want to use you as cannon fodder. Smart ass.

6 years ago

LOL. You have weak kungfu, troll. You need to try to stay on point. Korea has never been able to get along with itself. That’s why waygooks have been present for most of the 4,500 years of Korean culture.

My “cannon fodder” days kept your mom happy (and alive). Why don’t you even try to look intelligent? You one of the new fittycent recruits who doesn’t know how to do a google image search?

Meanwhile, no one still wants to swap body fluids with you, so try to improve your vocabulary. And get a haircut. That mop makes you look effeminate.

6 years ago

Love how commies always use the word ‘democratize’ when they really mean, ‘hoping Korea becomes a communist hell hole.’

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