Tweet of the Day: Who Is On the Wrong Side of History?

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6 years ago

Supporting a dictatorial regime is now the right side of history? interesting. Meanwhile, reading the headline this song popped into my head.

6 years ago

Christine Ahn should renounce her citize ship and move to Fatty’s paradise. She can be on the right side of history.

6 years ago

Like J6 said. Ahn never seems to root for the home team when she can cheer for a dictator…

6 years ago

Jonathan Cheng, so often retweeted by Stanton, seems to be captivated by the murderous norkistani pasha. Stanton himself seems torn between hating Trump and hating the norks.

The biggest issue here is “getting the ducks lined up” without having to kill them all first.

North Korea will disarm. It will either be a case where Trump’s persistence causes Fatty III to surrender bombs for a variety of burger joint franchises, or the morbidly obese dictator will step over the line, kill a lot of mostly innocent people, and be “chastised” back into the stone age.

Don’t forget he promised Trump he would denuke. Trump is a great negotiator; but he knows how to enforce contract provisions. He got the Teamsters to “play ball” in New York and New Jersey. The North Koreans–and even the Chinese–are amateurs at this. And they are not dealing with a political hack this time.

Meanwhile, all Moon is doing is making damned sure South Koreans will suffer more than North Koreans, if there is a fight. Because, if things continue down the same path, there won’t be an American or even UN component in the new “Pusan Perimeter” or anything like a “Drive to the Yalu”, just an Aluminum Overcast.

Without the tank blocks on the highways or the minefields or the guard posts on the DMZ, the Blue House might be Nork property before Moon knows what hit him.

I have no idea what the American units will do, how they will react, what their contingency plans are, etc., of course; but if things stay on the same course, I predict they’ll all be moving out of Korea at Moon’s request.

6 years ago

There is no wrong or right side, there is no black/white,
make realpolitik
With all respect,
listen guys, i was born in soviet union,
you cannot win over evil if you use the same methods as your enemy,
military force and propaganda,
lets face the truth, NK people cannot change from down to upside
Western thinking people need to make necessary efforts to pull NK to themselves, stop humiliating them.

6 years ago

S, we don’t care if they like us. We already know how that game works.

We just want them out of the nuke icbm business. And since they promised to fo that, it’s carrots or sticks, their choice…

With the Soviets, it was mutually ass3 distruction. With North Korea, it’s their choice about prosperity or death of the regime.

Don’t be naive.

6 years ago

fo >> do
ass3 >> assured

Sorry about the typos.

6 years ago

I could agreed with your hawk stance if i would not be on NK issue whole my life because of my ancestry,
NK is very very tiny and weak country, keeping breath for dictator regime was convenient for US-western system to maintain military force near commie China and to headway reforms quicker in SK which was good for Korea.
icbm “was allowed” to happen by US intelligence because it was good reason to start war (for capital markets bubble burst and control Chinas moves and so on) on Korean peninsula.

6 years ago

Laughs in American.

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