Seoul Taxi Drivers Go On Strike in Protest Against Ride Sharing Apps

It seems that taxi drivers going on strike actually encourages people to use carpooling apps even more:

Taxi drivers on Thursday stage a protest outside the National Assembly in western Seoul in opposition to Kakao’s move to introduce a carpooling service. [YONHAP]
Taxi drivers from four interest groups gathered outside the National Assembly Thursday to protest Kakao’s move to introduce a carpooling service.

The drivers are demanding legislators make the proposed business illegal, claiming that the service will threaten their livelihoods.

The collective move came after a 24-hour strike on Oct. 18. The strike itself was called two days after Kakao made public on Oct. 16 its plans to introduce the Kakao T carpooling service and began recruiting drivers.

Kakao has not been dissuaded. After the strike, it released an app for carpooling drivers and added a tab for the carpooling service to its existing Kakao T taxi app.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read more at the link, but instead of trying to get the government to give them special treatment, it seems the taxi cab drivers should improve their business model to compete with the ride sharing apps instead.

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6 years ago

Earlier this month I was at the airport and saw the call van taxi drivers protesting for the right to have full access to the pickup area. What really surprised me was that they were allowed to set up in the first lane of the pickup area. They had vans parked at each end of protest and were out there with drums, noise makers, and loud speakers. If you or I parked there and didn’t immediately pick someone up, the airport police would be on your ass in no time telling you to move out. I don’t understand why of all places, they were allowed to protest there.

6 years ago

Guitard follow the money… 🙁

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