Korea Updates Anti-Smoking Warnings on Cigarette Packs

Korea’s smokers will now have even more gruesome images to look at every time they buy a pack of cigarettes:

Tougher anti-smoking warnings will be applied to cigarette packages from Sunday.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said that it is replacing all the eleven graphic warnings on cigarette packs starting from Sunday. Tobacco companies will now have to insert new warnings on the packaging of cigarettes including electronic cigarettes.

KBS World Radio

You can read more at the link.

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6 years ago

It ssems like those gross pictures just desensitize peoplw and don’t deter smoking.

6 years ago

Nothing’s going to deter smoking in South Korea until the smokers develop a sense of selflessness. Seriously, I’ve never seen a more selfish group of people in my life than smokers in Korea. Well, Chinese smokers are tied. “No Smoking” signs and laws mean nothing to them.

6 years ago

I, for one, am glad they are changing these pictures.

I can no longer maintain an erection looking at the tired old ones.

6 years ago

I know that when I stopped smoking it was because of campaigns like this.

No wait I’m confused or lying, whatever. People who institute programs like this deserve eye cancer.

I’ll give you some insight as a 25+ year smoker, this kind of crap did nothing to help me quit. If anything it pissed me off and strengthened my commitment to the habit.

We going to start seeing pictures of dead fat people with their bellies cut open on food packaging I guess? How about old men’s wrecked livers from a lifetime of beer? F’ing hypocrites.

6 years ago

Damn, Smokes… 25+ years of smoking?

When they change pictures next time, you will be ready to start your modeling career.

6 years ago

So you’ll be in perfect health when you die eh? :mrgreen:

6 years ago

If tax and price increases don’t stop ajeoshis then these smoking horror porn photos won’t either.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
6 years ago

The packaging for ganja is rather boring. The name of the strain, THC content, and a warning to keep out of reach of children.
I don’t indulge myself, but I am currently in Colorado. Still not a Mad Max Wasteland, none of the schools have been burned to the ground.
It’s almost as if the threat was over exaggerated for some sort of political gain…
Would the government really do such a thing?

6 years ago

It is well known that people who smoke cigarettes develop cancers and heart disease. There are more known carcinogens in marijuana than tobacco. It’s only a matter of time.

Trying to evoke “Reefer Madness” as the only argument against weed is disingenuous.

And just for the record, cancer treatments are less pleasant than the literature describes. Even if you survive them.

And when the lesions metastasize to your lungs and spinal cord (because you won’t stop getting high), you won’t survive. Even if you’re young and otherwise healthy. You don’t have healthcare like RBG.

6 years ago

Hear, hear Smokes!
Never bought marijuana (though I’m in CO now).
But there are no pictures of gangrenous feet or amputations on those cartons of various chunky chews. And they can cause type 2 diabetes, which leads to all sorts of health implications.

MTB Rider
6 years ago

Having been down Cancer Road myself, I don’t discount how much the treatment sucks.
The big issue (to me) is that prohibition only makes criminals rich. The Navy was a pretty hard drinking place when I first came in, but it was more of a cultural shift than slamming sailors that reduced the alcohol problems in the Navy.
As a non-smoker, I will admit I was VERY happy when they put the smoking lamp out in the crew’s lounge. Walking into that space was like walking into a fog bank. I spent more money on movies during my first several years in the Navy than I had before or since. Had to get off the boat.

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