North Korean Ambassador to Italy Reportedly Defected with his Family

The most interesting fact about this alleged defection is that he chose to not defect to South Korea. That should be an indication to everyone of how little trust potential defectors have in the Moon administration:

South Korea’s spy agency says it has yet to make contact with North Korea’s top diplomat in Italy, who has vanished from the public for months in a reported bid to seek asylum. 

According to Representative Kim Min-ki of the ruling Democratic Party, the National Intelligence Service(NIS) told him that Acting North Korean Ambassador to Italy Jo Song-gil has gone into hiding with his wife since leaving the North Korean diplomatic mission in Rome early November. 

The NIS said Jo began his stint in the North Korean mission in Italy in May of 2015 as third secretary, and was later promoted to first secretary, adding his term in Italy was set to expire at the end of November. 

Asked whether he thinks Jo will seek asylum in a third country rather than in the South, the South Korean lawmaker said it is easy to guess, citing the NIS’ comment that it had no contact with him since he disappeared. 

KBS World Radio

It will be interesting to see where Jo Song-gil ultimately ends up. If he comes to America will this be something the Trump administration will make known or keep quiet to not upset North Korea? I guess we will eventually find out.

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5 years ago

Smart man. Loves his family.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
5 years ago

Now they need to disappear in obscurity to the ubiquitous Korean Population in Atlanta.

5 years ago

They’re in Ktown right now.

5 years ago

Smart if he never talks to South Korean commie government.

5 years ago

“North Korean? No, no, we are from Italy”

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