Tweet of the Day: Pearl Harbor Bombing was a Hoax?

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6 years ago

Breathtaking. 🙄

6 years ago

Ignore this CIA MKULTRA plant spreading misinformation to the sheeple.

The real conspiracy is that Japan DID have planes which could fly that distance using repressed ancient Egyptian pyramid technology brought to earth by aliens.

You retards need to WAKE THE HELL UP!

Modern proof of highly illegal alien technology:

Adobe and tequila

6 years ago

Alien autonomous drones.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
6 years ago

Can we find this guy and make sure there isn’t a III?

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

This is curriculum for NY State College system That girl wassername? Minor in Economics just got elected to Congress. She learned this in History Class.

6 years ago

“No way. This is a joke, right?”

Yes, it’s a joke. And a good one! 😆
(though not as good as CH’s follow on)
One conspiracy theory I had no idea was so widely accepted is the one the faked the moon landing.

6 years ago

Damned Flat-Earthers!!

6 years ago

One of my favorites: KAL 007 safely landed on an ice sheet. The Soviets “rescued” all the passengers, busses and trucks were imaged at the site 3 days later. Everyone was taken away, never to be seen or heard from again…

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

Liz, I got the leaked CIA video from wilkileaks. No doubt about it!

6 years ago

Great video Ole Tanker!
I stand corrected. 😆

6 years ago

Some of my favorite idiotic conspiracy theories are:

People were told they were getting medical treatment when, in fact, they were being studied as they slowly died of syphilis.

The Maddox was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin because it was actively supporting South Vietnamese military operations.

Alcohol was intentionally poisoned to act as a deterrent during Prohibition resulting in thousands of deaths.

Smoking is actually bad for you.

Saddam didn’t have any yellow cake uranium and was not responsible for 9/11 while the Saudis were deeply involved.

The government actually cared about John Lennon.

Getting repeatedly bashed in the head while playing professional football can cause brain damage.

The government pays journalists to promote propaganda.

Your mama’s fat.

6 years ago

CH, you left off all the Agent Orange series… Diabetes, Cancer, Hair Loss, and VFW Membership…

6 years ago

Vaccines are safe and effective.

The recent 600% increase in autism is genetic.

GMOs are good for you.

Coffee and wine are bad for you.

Fluoridating water helps prevent cavities.

Sunshine causes cancer.

Cow farts cause global warming.

6 years ago

Not sure about vaccine safety…

…as, apart from one discredited study that got the whole blame vacines game started, there seems no reason to single out vaccines when equally-unstudied factors from environmental pollution, maternal drug use, increased processed food, less active lifestyle, older parents, and a large list of other changes that correlate with alleged increases in autism exist…

…but even if true, it seems a fair trade to exchange 600% increase in autism for 100%.decrease in smallpox.

But that 600% is likely an exaggeration… a combination of better reporting in the medical community, a social climate where disabilities are sometimes flaunted instead of hidden (and sometimes exaggerated to excuse controllable but uncontrolled behavior), diagnosis creep where minor (and perhaps unnoticed or imaginary) conditions are reported, and other factors that encourage the appearance of an increase in autism.

Liz, as a medical professional, what is your observation and opinion?

6 years ago

Many health issues plaguing society; all factors mentioned play a role, particularly the processed/contaminated food (add water, air, soil, etc). As for vaccines, please read the inserts (you have to ask for them), be informed, then decide for yourself. I mean the inserts in the box from the manufacturers: Merck, GSK, Pfizer, etc; not the one page summary the Wal-Mart or Walgreens pharmacy hands you. Pay particular attention to the risks. Having/getting more health care does not equate to better health — more often than not quite the opposite is true.

6 years ago

One factor not mentioned re: autism is the fact that many people with recessive gene traits that would have simply died have been saved, marry, and have children, sometimes with tragic results.

I mean, look how many people grow up allegedly thinking “illegal immigrants are not criminals”. There’s got to be mental deficiencies on a massive scale…

6 years ago

It’s hard to say on vaccines. Lots of people insist they saw a direct correlation between symptoms and the vaccine. Correlation isn’t ipso facto causation, but there’s a heck of a lot of correlation. “My son got a vaccination on Monday, came down with a bad fever and a few days later he was completely different and has never been the same since”…is a pretty common observation.
A pharmacist I know is convinced she got rheumatoid arthritis after she was required to get a large series of vaccinations in a very short time frame as a requirement to enter pharmacy school. This isn’t an uneducated imbecile, she has a doctorate in the actual subject in question. But it’s also true there are environmental factors. We actually tell our sons to keep their cell phones in their back pockets and not next to their junk, as there have been studies to indicate a correlation between that and autistic offspring.
Nutshell: From my perspective, vaccines are a good idea from a public health perspective when they target severe and lethal diseases that are highly communicable. I’m not a big advocate of mandatory vaccinations for diseases that don’t fit in that category. I have serious reservations about flu vaccines (had the flu last year, actually…my nasal secretions were used to make this year’s vaccine. You’re welcome LOL).
”Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.”
Influenza vaccines fit into the above. They are marginally effective, so the recipients often still come down with the flu.
Consider how diseases are spread: via infectious carriers/hosts. So the person who feels good enough to go to the store but coughs all over the shopping cart is going to shed a higher viral load to a higher number of people. And according to this study over time the vaccinated shed MORE virulent strains than the unvaccinated. Yes, it’s on chickens…but the mechanism is pretty easy to understand.

6 years ago

To clarify, when I say I have serious reservations about flu vaccinations, I don’t mean they shouldn’t be available, I just think they should not be mandatory and perhaps not so encouraged for healthy people (for the above reasons).
The Journal of Hospital Infection published a systematic review on the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in healthcare workers a while back and determined there was no evidence that influenza vaccinations significantly reduced the incidence of influenza, number of ILI (influenza like illness) episodes, days with ILI symptoms, or amount of sick leave taken among vaccinated HCWs.
Another study of healthy adults (in some medical journal, can’t remember which…read it a while back), came to the same conclusion.

6 years ago

BTW, I recommend these as an alternative to flue vaccines:

Disposable Masks:
Hand Sanitizer:

For more serious stuff like Measles, Typhoid, Smallpox, and Polio, for the love of God just get the dang shots and stay away from un-vaccinated folks as directed by your medical overlords.

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