Ukranian Woman Sentenced to 14 Months in Jail For Fake Refugee Application Business in South Korea

Makes me wonder how big the market for fake refugee applications is in the US if this is even happening in South Korea:

A 34-year-old Ukrainian woman was sentenced to 14 months in jail for helping other foreigners draft fake refugee applications, Tuesday.

The Incheon District Court said the woman “repeatedly disrupted immigration processes” by writing false refugee applications for 57 foreign clients who arrived in Korea on temporary B-1 or E-9 visas.

According to court documents, the woman cooked up clients’ stories telling of prosecution in their home countries, including kidnapping, rape and unfair treatment by law enforcement, between March 2017 and June 2018. She was paid 200,000 won per application by a broker company that linked her with the foreign clients.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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6 years ago

There are between 11 and 50 million illegal aliens in the US now, depending on which sources one uses. And all of them may receive free housing, free food, free healthcare, free schooling, and Democrats trying to register them to vote… it is a huge drain on the American economy…

Those with jobs hold them illegally, without a Social Security Number, a five year felony. Many also hold forged or stolen IDs and identities.

Seems like the devils are trying to destroy South Korea, too.

6 years ago

Undocumented immigrants in the US are not eligible for welfare. Where are you getting the idea that they’ll get free housing, etc.?

6 years ago

Johnhenry, you’re either ignorant or mendacious. Try to educate youeself a little better.

They receive foodstamps in most states. Or the debit card variety. They receive legit driver’s licenses in many states.

Trying to alter the argument and defend peolle who break the law is, I would have thought, beneath you. Why don’t you take it up with the families of those killed by criminal aliens.

They are NOT immigrants, documented or otherwise. They are illegal aliens. Look it up. It’s in the law.

Stop letting your TDS warp your reasoning. He’s going away in a few years. But the tens of Billions of tax dollars spent on criminal aliens, mostly felons, is money we can’t use to help homeless or underprivileged citizens and refugees.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
6 years ago

Setnaffa a few years ago I lived on an apartment complex where the background check was how green your money was. I knew a couple of tenants were not legal but they paid their rent I guess as they were never evicted and the manager did not take government money for tenants. Nice folks, quiet and polite, helped on guy move his stuff into a van while his wife tended to their newborn son (that I suspect the US paid for).

6 years ago

“Undocumented immigrants in the US are not eligible for welfare. Where are you getting the idea that they’ll get free housing, etc.?”

Nice try, illegal alien on welfare.

Technically, illegal aliens can’t get welfare. In reality, the do… a lot of it.

Let us count (a few of) the ways.

– Due to a 1982 Supreme Court decision, states are required to provide K-12 public education for students without legal immigrant status.

– Proof of citizenship is required to qualify for Medicaid, unless a woman is pregnant, or the situation is considered an “emergency.” Emergency rooms are packed with illegal aliens getting free treatment for non-emergencies. 2014 had ~297,000 taxpayer-funded births for illegal alien mothers

– “However, illegal aliens do, in fact, receive state public benefits. That’s because the burden of determining lawful status in the U.S. is on the shoulders of county social services employees who have neither the legal jurisdiction nor the practical ability to determine one’s immigration status. Only an immigration official or federal worker whom the Secretary of Homeland Security has authorized may determine the immigration status of a person in the country. Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person’s benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits.”

– Once an illegal alien has a taxpayer-funded baby, their “American citizen” baby is now eligible for many types of welfare… including housing.

This is only scratching the surface.

(Nice to know the government enlists letter carriers, meter readers, cable installers, etc., to report suspicious activity like legal gun ownership but does everything possible to isolate illegal immigrants from scrutiny.)

The reality is that anyone who supports the presence of parasitic illegal immigrants and the welfare they receive while Americas are unemployed, homeless, and medically uncared for, is a traitor to America… and a traitor to those Americans who have banded together to receive the benefits of inclusiveness in exchange for fulfilling the obligations necessary for the system to function.

Groups who rely on loyalty and like-mindedness to keep the group successful and functioning have no use for traitors who hurt everybody when they pilfer resources to help other groups… especially ones with conflicting goals.

There are some pretty universal thoughts on what is acceptable to do to traitors… and for good reason.

johnhenry, now that you are slightly better informed, are there any aspects of illegal aliens you would like to further discuss?

6 years ago

Doc, the golks you call nice and quiet were busy committing multiple felonies. Social Security Fraud is a 5 year felony. Any illegal who has s job is breaking that law. Identity Theft is a felony. If there was more than onevperson involved in their illegal entry to the USA, there’s Conspiracy charges waiting to be filed…

One of my friends in Elementary School in the 1960s was an illegal. Even in those days California didn’t prosecute them.

6 years ago

California still doesn’t prosecute anyone for immigration offenses. That’s a federal law. The rest of your posts and CH’s above are just blathering nonsense.

6 years ago

Johnhenry, you’re a very sad person. I hope you find friends somewhere.

6 years ago

I have plenty of friends. I even got married just over a year ago. Nah, I’m not sad and I’m not deficient in friendships.

6 years ago


“The rest of your posts and CH’s above are just blathering nonsense.”

In what way?

You asked, “Where are you getting the idea that they’ll get free housing, etc.?”

I clearly explained how… yet you claim that is nonsense.

Do you dispute the facts I reported?

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

JONNY , understand you must run the gauntlet of ROKDROP abuse. It’s a tradition.

6 years ago

Ole Tanker, don’t coddle the boy… you wanna ruin him?

Nah, right now he’s just full of commie and Iranian agitprop about illegal aliens being as good for the economy as legal immigrants. He’s got to learn to watch something besides Rachel Madcow and that dull but annoying commentator who replaced John Stuart on Comedy Central.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

Setnaaffa, I thought I was the only one that called her Rachel MADCOW! Johny got his gun. we all know what they do with a gun.

6 years ago

“…this is my rifle…”

6 years ago

johnhenry made indignant statements which were easily proven to be false. He then dismissed the proof as nonsense without even trying to back up his dismissal with facts.

You are only allowed to be abusive and insulting here when you are right… or at least put some honest effort into showing why you think you are right.

johnhenry is dangerously close to begging for abuse… as he is not earning the right to be treated as someone whose ideas deserve any consideration or respect… primarily because he hasn’t expressed any ideas worth considering or respecting… just “whaaaa! you are wrong but I can’t express why” when it turns out his targets can easily prove they are not wrong.

johnhenry, if you want to play with the big boys instead of just playing with your new husband’s balls, you will need to respond intelligently when shown to be wrong… not double down on stupid.

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