David Maxwell Discusses Importance of Reaching a US-ROK Cost Sharing Agreement

A ROK Drop favorite, David Maxwell recently had this to say in The Hill about the cost sharing negotiations between the US and South Korea:

Trump seems not to recognize that the ROK makes significant contributions to its own defense. In 2017, 2.7 percent of its GDP went to defense — a higher percentage than any member of NATO except the U.S. Furthermore, the ROK’s 2018 defense budget increased by 9.9 pecent, or $40 billion, the largest in history. It has an active force of 625,000 troops with 28,000 Americans stationed in South Korea. Under the current SMA, the ROK covers half of the roughly $1.6 billion basing cost for American troops, but according to reports, Trump wants Seoul to pay 100 percent.
Yet South Korea already covers more than just annual basing costs. The recently expanded Camp Humphreys is now the largest U.S. military base outside of the continental U.S. It cost some $10.7 billion and the ROK provided 90 percent of the funds. The ROK government also agreed to a renegotiated Korea-U.S Free Trade Agreement, in response to pressure from Trump.  Finally, from 2012 through 2016 the ROK purchased $19.8 billion in U.S. military equipment through Foreign Military Sales and Direct Commercial Sales. 
It is essential for both sides to remember that the primary purpose of the alliance is to prevent war. 

The Hill

You can read more at the link.

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6 years ago

I wouldn’t take any of these numbers at face value. There is so much smoke and mirrors that have gone on for decades. One thing is certain, when it comes to money and the lips are moving, it’s a lie. I challenge someone to conduct a complete unbiased audit to prove these numbers.

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