Speculation Grows that Moon Administration Trying to Get Kim Jong-un to Visit Seoul for March 1st, Independence Day
|If Kim Jong-un was going to visit on any day, I am sure the Moon administration would love for it to be March 1st. The hope will be that conservative protesters against Kim’s visit will be muted because of a large dislike of the Japanese in South Korea that tends to reach a crescendo on the March 1st Independence Day which celebrates an uprising against Japanese colonial occupation back in 1919.

Is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul on March 1?
Korea Times
Reports of this began circulating Wednesday, citing unidentified government sources. Some had plausible details: for the leaders of the two Koreas to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the March 1 Independence Movement Day ― on the date and at the same location.
The uprising on March 1, 1919 ― celebrated by both Koreas ― is recorded as one of the marquee grassroots independence movements during the 1910-45 Japanese colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula.
Presidential office Cheong Wa Dae on Thursday denied reports that Kim would visit Seoul on the historically symbolic day. Nevertheless, the speculation continues.
You can read more at the link, but if this visit does in fact happen I would expect there to be a large anti-Japanese buildup to try and unite most South Koreans before the Kim Jong-un visit.
March 1st. A symbol of failed aspirations. North Koreans are free of the Japanese; but have heavier shackles placed on them by their communist overlords.
South Koreans are slaves as well. Look around at the students. They study 12-16 hours a day. Then they get lousy jobs where they are slaves to their chaebol masters and their children’s “future”.
Sure, people in Korea enjoy moments of happiness; but K-Pop is burning through entertainers so fast that no one gets more than a year at the top. And then it’s back to being a mindless drone…
That’s why they drink so much. But it’s more like THX-1138 than anyone cares to admit.
Freedom takes work. It takes guts. It takes brains. And it doesn’t come from an externally-pressured “filial piety” or money in the bank.
I wish more American had that figured out, too…
Commie Moon chose well because people will try to take a 3 day long weekend abroad for March 1st. The perfect time to bring his one and true love home.
I doubt the people who risked and suffered for Independence from Japan had the Kim Gang in mind as their goal.
If he does, Korean patriots (if there are any of those remaining) need to seize both for their crimes!
Flyingsword: Apparently, there are large demonstraions against Moon’s policies every week, but they are not reported. The ROK Marine Veterans were out recently. Also, there are a lot of YouTube channels by SK conservatives, to the point that Moon tried to get YouTube to take them down.
Have seen the protest, have listened to the Youtube channels, at this point that is not enough. Oh and the protest, anyone under 55 is considered youthful there.
Stupid Koreans would probably give him a warm welcome considering the PR blitz done to humanize Fatty in Seoul.