Korea Finder 1-19
|Back by popular demand is Korea Finder. The goal of Korea Finder is to correctly identify the location in the picture presented each week. For this week who can name the below structure?:
Back by popular demand is Korea Finder. The goal of Korea Finder is to correctly identify the location in the picture presented each week. For this week who can name the below structure?:
Suwon Hwaesong Fortress. The North East Pavilion
Dingbukporu, hwaseong fortress, suwon.
Yes this image is from Suwon Fortress. Does anyone know the name of the pavilion?
First off…. GFTO! You mean to say that Chairs has been lurking here for almost 2 years in wait just to scoop everyone?! 😎
Secondly that structure is: Dongbukgangnu (Northeastern Angle Tower)
I have CCTV footage of Chairs’ phone notifying him of a Korea Finder after the Great Finder Shutdown of 2018:
It’s also known as Banghwasuryujeong JIC someone wants to be all technical. 😛
I had planned to go to Suwon and repeat a hike around the wall in 2010; but the reason for my tourism was delayed and the cold weather at Christmas knocked me on my tail-feathers…
If I dig through the archives, I have a photo somewhere of the wife and I sitting near the Water Gate (Hwahungmun?) right next to Dongbukgangnu. There was one of those carts selling the fish-shaped waffles filled with red beans just the other side of the Water Gate… lots of tourists that day…
Here’s Google’s impression of the scene, though not on the same day: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.2872944,127.0178533,3a,75y,344.8h,100.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sk4RgbSbv61dsH_DKJyGe6A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
Suwon’s wall was a lot more fun than climbing around Dutch towers and English/German castles, I’ll say that…
Is my comment not showing? I can see it, but the responses below mine make it look like it’s not being seen.
Yours is there, mere microseconds before mine. :x. Smokes is just so happy to see me again!
And I have to say that I naned the wrong tower, the guard post just to the east of this one. I’ve gotten rusty… But not to worry, I will not disappoint this year!
Darn. Everyone there before me. Can I post a link to a photo?
Taken in 2015.
CC, I know very well the tower you named… stood up too quickly after walking inside… very solid construction… 😥 😥 😥
Smokes gets the point for being the most specific on naming the tower. For ROK Heads that have not been to Suwon yet, the fortress is well worth spending a half a day walking around. However, not much else to see in Suwon in my opinion.
I’m in trouble if this one’s an indication of how this year’s going to go. I had no idea what the heck that building was but thankfully people supplied the location while forgetting the question was “what was the name” and not “where is it”.
I’ll take it. 🙁
WB Chairs. 😛
GI, there are several nice Galbi places in Suwon. I think you could make a full day of it.