Did Japanese Aircraft “Buzz” ROK Navy Ship?
|This is like Pearl Harbor all over again!:

South Korea’s military on Thursday released five photos captured from two videos of a Japanese warplane’s “threatening” low-altitude flyby close to its destroyer a day earlier.
The disclosure came as Tokyo rejected Seoul’s claim that its P-3 maritime patrol plane buzzed by South Korea’s 4,500-ton destroyer Daejoyeong at an altitude of 60 to 70 meters and just 540 meters away in international waters south of the peninsula on Wednesday.
The Korean Navy filmed what it called Japan’s “provocative” flight with an infrared camera and handheld camcorder on the destroyer during the incident that sharply heightened tensions between the neighbors.
Seoul initially mulled releasing the videos but decided later to disclose just still photos, apparently in line with its stance to “act with restraint.”
You can read more at the link, but notice how the ROK uses the term “buzzed”. I don’t think they quite understand that when the term is used in English people generally think of an aircraft flying right over the observer. In this case the Japanese plane was over half a kilometer away from the ship.
The ROK Navy never looked so bad. 이순신 must be spinning in his grave. He faced an Invasion Armada with 13 ships. The modern ROK Navy cowers when single unarmed aircraft can be spotted over 500 meters away.
What are they going to say when China sends an Armada to take over?
I’m sure Fatty will have the fleet waiting to escort the PLN into Confederacy harbors
commie moon will invite the Chinese navy…