Picture of the Day: North Korea’s New Year’s Propaganda Poster

N.K. posters on leader's New Year speech
N.K. posters on leader’s New Year speechThis photo from the North’s Korean Central News Agency on Jan. 24, 2019, shows one of the new propaganda posters highlighting messages from the New Year’s Day speech by the country’s leader Kim Jong-un. This poster reads, “Let the young people become pioneers of new technology, creators of new culture and pathfinders for a great leap forward!” (Yonhap)
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6 years ago

The Norks are getting into harpooning whales at night, competing with Mollie B for the Polks festivals, and taking over Huffington Post Editorials?????

Those are bold moves.

Mollie B is pretty dang talented… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H4fzfx5REo

6 years ago

CH, might even like Mollie B better than nork girls in hardhats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIL9punl6_8

6 years ago

‘The Great Leap Forward’ ?!?!? Not even original in their slogans. Of course if they kill as many died in the first Great Leap Forward nK won’t be a problem anymore…. At least 45 million people died unnecessary deaths during China’s Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962, including 2.5 million tortured or summarily killed, according to a new book by a Hong Kong scholar. https://www.scmp.com/article/723956/revisiting-calamitous-time

6 years ago

Flyingsword, are you suggesting the nork accordionists might actually be assassins?

6 years ago

SETNAFFA, the accordionist is just an accordionist. The great leap forward resulted in the death of millions, and if perused in the same manner in nK the result will be the same.

6 years ago

I understand why you need hardhats and a water cannon to protect from angry fans armed with rocks when playing accordion…

…but the sound guy should be frantically finding a way to shut everything down instead of lazily looking for a way to boost even MORE treble.

6 years ago

Flyingsword, yes, every Commie dictatorship kills millions. Stalin and Mao were yhe worset; but the draconian changes imposed on Zimbabwe by Pyongyang-trained Robert Mugabe between 1980 and 2018 probably resulted in 30 Million dead in that country and its Central African neighbors who had no other source of food.

Fewer, more hungry peolle are easier to control.

6 years ago

CH, it’s probably time for a sound Czech…

6 years ago

…but the sound guy should be frantically finding a way to shut everything down instead of lazily looking for a way to boost even MORE treble.”
Perhaps he lives in fear of de-composing.

6 years ago

Perhaps it is NOT an accordion.

Perhaps it is the world’s most advanced chorded keyboard and she is wearing a MAGA hat.


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