Tweet of the Day: Will the War Really Be Over?
|Will Pyongyang also stop its assassinations, threats & subversion of South Korea's democracy? No more coded numbers broadcasts? No more United Front Dep't recruiting teachers, union leaders & students? And won't Pyongyang see VOA & RFA broadcasts as "toppling"?
— Joshua Stanton (@freekorea_us) February 1, 2019
the stated and unchanged goal of nK is the reunification of the pen under the red banner of kim. if takes war, subversion, or 1 election in south korea.
1FreeKorea seems to think Trump cares about South Korea more than South Korean voters care about South Korea…
After all, they are the ones who voted for Moon…
What part of “Make America Great Again” involves President Trump saving the ROK from itself? “Elections have consequences,” said a famous American. And Seoul may need to simmer in its own chigae for awhile.
Let’s just let the two Koreas work it out without the US… OR…Assinate the little fat ass and sort out the consequences.
Rascal, you rascal… š
Setnaffa foad and different thx
Cursing in the English language is tough. Especially when trying to fake an accent…
I recommend spending more time playing Starcraft II, as you can make serious pocket change without appearing to be quite so pusillanimous, gormless, and feckless.
But that’s just me. A bright fellow might watch Mel Ferrer as Cyrano to try to learn how to insult someone properly without looking like a silly jackass.
And if done with a decent amount of humor, you have a better chance to persuade others rather than just looking like a troll or a crank.
TL;DR: don’t take yourself so serously.